Chair of Civil Law and Business Law

Prof. Dr. jur. Lars Klöhn, LL.M. (Harvard)
Lars Klöhn holds a professorship for civil and business law at Humboldt University of Berlin. Before joining the faculty of law, Prof. Klöhn held professorships in Marburg (2008-2012) and at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (2012-2016). He holds degrees from the University of Göttingen and Harvard Law School.
Lars Klöhn focuses on corporate, banking and capital markets law. He utilizes an interdisciplinary and comparative legal approach with a particular emphasis on law and economics. He is inter alia co-editor of ZBB, a leading German banking and capital markets law journal. He is a regular advisor to the German Legislature and the German Ministry of Finance in matters related to capital markets and banking law.
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Juristische Fakultät
D-10099 Berlin
Location: Unter den Linden 11, Room 305