Curriculum Vitae
Privatdozent at Humboldt-University Berlin. Schirmer's research focuses on company law and the role of private law in societal transformation (e.g. sustainability, digitization).
Jan-Erik Schirmer is a Privatdozent at Humboldt-University Berlin. He holds the First and Second State Examination (Staatsexamen), a doctorate degree (summa cum laude) and a habilitation in law. His research - funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) - focuses on company law and the role of private law in societal transformation (e.g. sustainability, digitization).
Schirmer was awarded numerous academic honors, such as the prize for the best dissertation at Free University Berlin in the 2016 academic year (Ernst-Reuter-Prize). He received a scholarship by the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung) and was a member of a publicly funded research project on regional integration in East Africa. In 2017, Schirmer joined the Future Faculty (Zukunftsfakultät) at the Institute of Advanced Study Berlin (Wissenschaftskolleg/Recht im Kontext). He was a Visiting Researcher at the Universities Yale, Oxford and Daressalaam and is an External Research Associate of the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (Global Perspectives on Corporate Climate Legal Tactics) and the Oxford Sustainable Law Programme.