Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Prof. Dr. Philipp Dann

Tanja Marielle Herklotz, LLM (SOAS)

Chair for Public Law and Comparative Law

Postal address

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Juristische Fakultät
Öffentliches Recht und Rechtsvergleichung
10099 Berlin


Altes Palais, Raum 419
Unter den Linden 9, Berlin-Mitte


Fon: +30 2093 3459

Research interests and areas of publication

  • comparative constitutional law with a particular focus on the global South
  • law and gender
  • legal pluralism and religion-based law
  • law and social movements
  • legal cultures

Short Bio

  • since 7/2019: Researcher at the Chair for Public Law and Comparative Law, Humboldt-University Berlin, Principal Investigator of two projects on Indian and comparative Law: Legal Cultures in India and Europe and Law and Transformation 
  • 2014-2020: PhD Project on “Feminist Legal Activism in India”, supervised by Prof. Dr. Philipp Dann, several Research stays in India (Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru) between 2014 and 2019
  • 3/2020-4/2020: Visiting Scholar at the Centre of Law and Society, Cardiff University
  • 10/2019-1/2020: Visiting Scholar at the Center for the Study of Law and Society, Berkeley Law
  • 4/2019-6/2019: Visiting Scholar at the University of Warwick
  • 1/2019-6/2019: Holder of the Caroline von Humboldt Scholarship granted by Humboldt-University Berlin
  • 1/2015-12/2018: Researcher at the Chair for Public Law and Comparative Law, Humboldt-University Berlin
  • 5/2014-4/2017: Holder of the Elsa Neumann Scholarship granted by the State of Berlin
  • 9/2013-5/2014: Researcher at the Associate Professorship in Constitutional and Administrative Law including Public Law in an International Context, Free University Berlin
  • 9/2012–9/2013: LLM School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, Title of Master Thesis: “The Gender Blind Spot: An Analysis of Feminist Perspectives on the Personal Laws and the Uniform Civil Code in India”
  • 11/2011: First State Examination
    Specialisation: International Law, EU Law and Comparative Law
  • 10/2005-11/2011: Studies of Law at the Universities of Heidelberg, Bologna and Münster


Edited volumes: 

  • (2021) Mutinies for Equality: Contemporary Developments in Law and Gender in India, Cambridge University Press (with Siddharth Peter De Souza) (available here).

Peer reviewed journal articles:

  • (2023) 'Feminist Constitutional Activism in India', World Comparative Law 56(1), 153-174 (available here).
  • (2020) 'Law and Society Studies in Context: Suggestions for a Cross-Country Comparison of Socio-Legal Research and Teaching', German Law Journal 21(7), 1332-1344 (available here).
  • (2017) 'Walking a Tightrope: Balancing Law, Religion and Gender Equality in the Aftermath of the Indian Supreme Court's Triple Talaq Ban', Journal for Law and Islam 9, 179–204 (available here).
  • (2017) 'Law, Religion and Gender Equality: Literature on the Indian Personal Law System from a Women's Rights Perspective', Indian Law Review 1(3), 250–268 (available here).
  • (2016) 'Dead Letters? The Uniform Civil Code through the Eyes of the Indian Women's Movement and the Indian Supreme Court', World Comparative Law 49(2), 148–174 (available here).

Other articles:

  • (2023) 'Legal Cultures', in: Grote, R., Lachenmann, F. and Wolfrum, R. (eds) Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law (available here).
  • (2020) 'Religious Courts', in: Grote, R., Lachenmann, F. and Wolfrum, R. (eds) Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law (available here).

  • (2017) 'Shayara Bano versus Union of India and Others. The Indian Supreme Court's Ban of Triple Talaq and the Debate around Muslim Personal Law and Gender Justice', World Comparative Law 50(3), 200-311 (available here).
  • (2016) 'Law in Context: Case Studies from India', South Asia Chronicle 6, 3–10 (with Sarah Holz) (available here).

  • (2015) 'Religion-Based Personal Laws in India from a Women's Rights Perspective: Context and Some Recent Publications', South Asia Chronicle 5, 370–399 (available here).

Book chapters:

  • (2021) 'Introduction', in: Herklotz, T. and De Souza, S.P. (eds) Mutinies for Equality: Contemporary Developments in Law and Gender in India, Cambridge University Press, 1-18 (with Siddharth Peter De Souza) (available here).
  • (2021) 'Armed with the Constitution: Feminist Litigation on Indian Family Law', in: Herklotz, T. and De Souza, S.P. (eds) Mutinies for Equality: Contemporary Developments in Law and Gender in India, Cambridge University Press, 115-132 (available here).
  • (2018) 'Feminist Dilemmas: The Challenges in Accommodating Women's Rights within Religion-Based Family Law', in: Topidi, K. (ed), Normative Pluralism and Human Rights: Social Normativities in Conflict, Routledge, 166–188 (available here).
  • (2017) 'Of Apples and Mangoes: Comparing the European Union and India', in Singh, M.P. (ed) Indian Yearbook of Comparative Law 2016, Oxford University Press, 3–20 (with Philipp Dann and Maxim Bönnemann) (available here).

Book reviews:

  • (2020) 'Kalindi Kokal, State Law, Dispute Processing, and Legal Pluralism: Unspoken Dialogues from Rural India', World Comparative Law 53(1), 72-76.
  • (2017) 'Mengia Hong Tschalaer, Muslim Women's Quest for Justice: Gender, Law and Activism in India', World Comparative Law 50(3), 316–320 (available here).
  • (2017) 'Srimati Basu, The Trouble with Marriage: Feminists Confront Law and Violence in India', South Asia Research 37(3), 339–343 (available here).
  • (2017) 'Alamgir Muhammad Serajuddin, Cases on Muslim Law of India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh', World Comparative Law 50(1), 87–91.
  • (2016) 'Amy Young Evrard, The Moroccan Women's Rights Movement', World Comparative Law 49(4), 431–435 (available here).


  • "Law and Gender in India", University Halle-Wittenberg (winter term 2020-21)

  • "Comparative Law and Legal Culture in India and Germany", Humboldt-University Berlin, National Law School of India University, National Law School of Delhi, Jindal Global Law School, Azim Premji University (co-teaching with Philipp Dann, Aparna Chandra, and others) (summer term 2021)

  • “Constitutional Law”, Humboldt-University Berlin (winter term 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19)
  • “Fundamental Rights”, Humboldt-University Berlin (summer term 2018)
  • “Legal Pluralism and Gender in India”, Humboldt-University Berlin (co-teaching with Siddharth Peter De Souza) (summer term 2017)