Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Prof. Dr. Giesela Rühl


Prof. Dr. Giesela Rühl, LL.M. (Berkeley)

Invited Presentations

  1. Special Course on Private International Law
    Summer 2026, Hague Academy of International Law, Den Haag (The Nederlands)

  2. Die Beilegung internationaler Streitigkeiten: International Commercial Courts als relevante Alternative zu internationalen Schiedsgerichten?
    2 June 2025, Aktuelle Probleme des Wirtschaftsprivatrechts, Universität Innsbruck (Austria)

  3. International Commercial Courts: A Comparative Perspective
    30 October 2024, Lecture: Comparative Legal Systems, Universität Athen (Greece)

  4. International Commercial Courts: Game Changers for the Resolution of International Disputes?
    25 October 2024, Seminar: International Private Law, Law of International Business Transactions & Comparative Legal Studies, Universität Athen (Greece).

  5. Zivilrechtliche Haftung nach der Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive: Prozessuale Fragen
    11 October 2024, Durchsetzung unternehmerischer Sorgfaltspflichten nach LkSG und CSDDD: Bilanz und Vorschau, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle.

  6. Menschenrechte und Zivilverfahrensrecht: Der “blind spot” des Lieferkettenrechts?
    19 September 2024, Female Perspectives, Freshfields Berlin

  7. Private International Law and Economic Analysis
    10 September 2024, Research Methods in Private International Law, University of Rotterdam (The Netherlands)

  8. Modernization of German Civil Justice: Ready for the future or still lagging behind?
    9 September 2024, Hengeler Mueller Arbitration Talks, Hengeler Mueller, Berlin

  9. International Commercial Courts: A Comparative Perspective
    9/10 May 2024, Cross-Border Dispute Resolution, University of Pittsburgh/University of Verona/University of Zagreb, Dubrovnik (Croatia)

  10. International Commercial Courts and Arbitration: A German Perspective
    13 September 2023, DAA/DIS/NAI Arbitration Group: Dutch-German views on commercial courts compared to arbitration from an academic, practitioner and in-house perspective, Gleiss Lutz, Berlin

  11. Regulating Legal Tech Companies in Germany
    18 May 2023, CodeX – The Stanford Center for Legal Informatics, Stanford Law School (USA)
  12. Access to Justice in Germany: (De-) Regulation of the German Legal Services Market
    13 May 2023, New Voices in Access to Justice, Stanford Law School (USA)
  13. Towards more Access to Justice in Germany: The Role of Legal Tech Companies
    9 May 2023, Civil Justice Discussion Group, Stanford Law School (USA)
  14. The (changing) role of default rules in civil procedure (and arbitration)
    23/24 March 2023, Workshop “Default Rules in Private Law”, Oxford University (UK).
  15. Von der Einreichung der Klage bis zur Beweisaufnahme: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Digitalisierung bei grenzüberschreitenden Streitigkeiten [From Claim Filing to Evidence Taking: Opportunities and Constraints of Digitalization in Cross-Border Disputes]
    16 February 2023, Berlin Litigation Circle, Berlin.
  16. Digitalisierung der grenzüberschreitenden Streitbeilegung: Status quo und Zukunftsperspektiven [Digitalization of cross-border dispute resolution: status quo and future prospects]
    9 December 2022, Denkfabrik Legal Tech, Bayerisches Staatsministerium der Justiz, München.

  17. Verfahrensgrundsätze und Digitalisierung der zivilgerichtlichen Streitbeilegung [Basic principles of proceedure and digitalization of civil justice]
    23 November 2022, Ringvorlesung Legal Tech, Universität Passau.

  18. New Specialized Commercial Courts and their Role in the Resolution of International Disputes
    27 October 2022, World Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law (IACL), Asunción (Paraguay).

  19. Digitale Rechtsdurchsetzung im Verbraucherbereich: Flightright, Conny & Co [Digital consumer rights enforcement: Flightright, Conny & Co.]
    19 October 2022, Digitale Geschäftsmodelle im hochregulierten Umfeld, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin.

  20. Verfahrensgrundsätze in Zeiten der Digitalisierung [Basic principles of proceedure in the age of Digitalization]
    18 October 2022, ZPO-Forum, Deutscher Anwaltverein (DAV), Berlin.

  21. Ansätze zur Regulierung unternehmerischer Verantwortung in globalen Lieferketten: Ein rechtsvergleichender Überblick [Approaches to Regulating Corporate Responsibility in Global Supply Chains: A Comparative Law Overview]
    6 May 2022, Unternehmerische Verantwortung in Lieferketten, Tagung der Ernst von Caemmerer-Stiftung, Universität Basel (Schweiz).

  22. Blockchain-based smart contracts and private international law
    4/5 November 2021, Private International Law and Modern Technologies, American Association of Private International Law (ASADIP), Washington (USA).

  23. Digital Justice made in Germany
    21 October 2021, Juristische Studiengesellschaft Karlsruhe.

  24. Digitalisierung der Ziviljustiz [Digitalization of civil justice]
    8 October 2021, Tagung der Jungen Zivilprozessrechtler, Graz (Österreich).

  25. Beschleunigtes Online-Verfahren [Accelerated online proceedings]
    16 July 2021, Göttinger Kolloquium zur Digitalisierung des Zivilverfahrensrechts, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen &
  26. Einsatz von KI-System in der Justiz – Chancen für die Durchsetzung von Verbraucherrechten? [The use of AI in the judicial system - Opportunities for the enforcements of consumer rights]
    12 July 2021, Verbraucherrechtstag 2021: Künstliche Intelligenz: Wie gelingt eine vertrauenswürdige Verwendung in Deutschland und Europa? Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz, Berlin.
  27. Digitalisierung des Zivilprozesses: Status quo und Reformdiskussionen [Digitalization of Civil Proceedings: Status quo and reform discussions]
    27 May 2021, Legal Tech – Neue Wege auch für die Justiz? Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz & Deutsche Richterakademie
  28. Digitalisierung des Zivilprozesses: Verfahrenseinleitung [Digitalization of Civil Proceedings: Initiation of Proceedings]
    4 December 2020, Video Roundtable, University of Bonn &
  29. Smart Contracts und Internationales Privatrecht [Smart contracts and Private International Law]
    23 November 2020, WM Online-Seminar. Recht der Fintechs. Frankfurt.
  30. Towards a German Supply Chain Act? Insights from Private International Law and Comparative Law
    9 November 2020, Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal).
  31. Auswirkungen des Brexit auf die Beilegung internationaler Streitigkeiten in Europa [Effects of Brexit on the settlement of international disputes in Europe]
    27 October 2020, DeutscherAnwaltVerein (DAV) Netherlands, Lunch Webinar.
  32. Judicial Cooperation in Civil and Commercial Matters 
    21 September 2020, British-European Relations Post-Brexit: A Legal Kaleidoscope, Oxford (England)
  33. Online Courts, oder: Zivilverfahren für das 21. Jahrhundert [Online courts, or: civil proceedings for the 21st century]
    3/4 September 2020, Digital Justice Conference,
  34. Auf dem Weg zu einem nationalen Lieferkettengesetz? Kollisionsrechtliche und rechtsvergleichende Überlegungen [Towards a German Supply Chain Act? Choice of law and comparative law aspects]
    1 September 2020, MPI Virtual Private International Law Workshop, Hamburg.
  35. The Law Applicable to Smart Contracts, or Much ado about Nothing?
    25 October 2019, Good for all: towards a paradigm shift, Blockchain, Law and Governance, Unversità degli studi di Milano, Milan (Italy).
  36. International Commercial Courts: A Comparative (and European) Perspective
    25 October 2019, 3rd IBA Litigation Conference on Private International Law, Milan (Italy).
  37. Choice of Law and Litigation after Brexit
    21 June 2019, Bucerius Law School, Hamburg.
  38. Unternehmensverantwortlichkeit und Internationales Privatrecht [Corporate Social Responsibility and Private International Law]
    20-22 March 2019, Biannual Conference of the German Society of International Law (DGIR), Vienna (Austria).
  39. Towards a European Commercial Court?
    7 March 2019, 1st Hannover Dispute Resolution Day, Leibniz-Universität Hannover (Germany)
  40. Chancen und Risiken neuer und gewandelter Streitbeilegungsmechanismen [Opportunities and Challenges of New and Changed Dispute Resolution Mechanisms]
    30 November 2018, Munich Dispute Resolution Day, Munich Dispute Resolution Center, Munich (Germany) 
  41. Brexit, Regulatory Competition and the Settlement of International Disputes
    1 November 2018, Comparative Law Discussion Group, University of Oxford (England).
  42. Die Auswirkungen des Brexit auf die Beilegung internationaler Streitigkeiten
    22 June 2018, Krise der Internationalen Streitbeilegung, Deutsche Vereinigung für Internationales Recht, Frankfurt am Main.
  43. Brexit and the Battle for Legal Disputes – Gedanken zum Wettbewerb der Justizstandorte [Brexit and the Battle for Legal Disputes – Thoughts on Judicial Competition]
    7 May 2018, New Frontiers in Law and Economics, Bucerius Law School, Hamburg (Germ.
  44. The Private International Law of Contracts: National Report Germany
    12 February 2018, European Private International Law Running out of Steam? Italo-German Perspectives on Future Areas of Harmonization, Villa Vigoni, Menaggio (Italy)
  45. Virtual Migration to Switzerland: Empirical and Normative Thoughts on Regulatory Competition 
    7 December 2017, NCCR – The migration-mobility nexus, Université de Neuchâtel (Switzerland)
  46. Mehr Freitheit wagen … im Vertragsrecht [More freedom … in contract law]
    28 September 2017, More freedom in …. Symposium on the occasion of the 70th birthday of Jürgen Basedow, Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Hamburg (Germany)
  47. The Effects of Brexit on the Dispute Resolution Market
    17 March 2017, Workshop “Negotiating Brexit”, University of Oxford (Oxford).
  48. Choice of Law and Choice of Forum Clauses after Brexit: Implications for London as a Place for Settling International Legal Disputes
    7 October 2016, University of London, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS), London (England).
  49. Information Duties under German Insurance Contract Law
    22/23 September 2016, Information Duties, Disclosure Duties, and Transparency Obligations under German and Japanese Private Law, Chuo University Faculty of Law, Tokyo (Japan).
  50. Die Evaluation von EU-Verordnungen zum Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrecht: Methodische Grundlagen und praktische Erfahrungen [Evaluation of European Regulations on Private International Law: Methodological Foundation and Practical Experience]
    14/15 April 2016, European Union Private International Law – Legal Application in Reality (EUPILLAR): State of Play and Perspectives, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg (Germany).
  51. Grenzüberschreitende außergerichtliche Streitbelegung nach der ADR-Richtlinie und nach dem Verbraucherstreitbeilegungsgesetz [Cross-border Alternative Dispute Resolution: Implementation of the ADR Directive in Germany]
    12 February 2016, Academic Society for Consumers and Law, University of Kassel (Germany).
  52. Rechtsvergleichung und Europäisches Kollisionsrecht: Die vergessene Dimension [Comparative Law and European Private International Law: The Forgotten Dimension]
    14/15 November 2015, Perspectives on Comparative Law, Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Hamburg (Germany).
  53. Alternative und Online Streitbeilegung in der Europäischen Union [Alternative and Online Dispute Resolution in the European Union]
    15/16 October 2015, Parallel Justice? Paradigms of Alternative Dispute Resolution, Research Network “Law in Context”, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin (Germany).
  54. Alternative and Online Dispute Resolution in the European Union
    1 December 2014, European University Institute, Florence (Italy).
  55. The Consumer’s Jurisdictional Privilege in the ECJ Case Law
    28 November 2014, Università di Verona, Verona (Italy).
  56. Aktuelle Entwicklung des Verbraucherschutzes im europäischen Zivilverfahrensrecht [Recent Developments of Consumer Protection in European International Civil Procedure]
    25 September 2014, RIW-Fachkonferenz, Aktuelle Entwicklungen im europäischen Zivilverfahrensrecht [Recent Developments in European International Civil Procedure], Frankfurt am Main (Germany) .
  57. Competition for Contract Laws: Fiction or Reality? Dream or Nightmare?
    30 May 2014, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen (Denmark).
  58. Globale Gesellschaften und nationales Recht [Global Societies and National Laws]
    25 April 2014, Award of the Carus Prize 2014 of the City of Schweinfurt, Schweinfurt.
  59. Competition for Contract Laws: Fiction or Reality? Dream or Nightmare?
    22 November 2013, Territorial Laws in a Global Era: Perspectives on the Law Market and Beyond, University of Helsinki, Centre of Excellence in Foundations of European Law and Polity (Finland).
  60. Regulatory Competition in Contract Law: Empirical Evidence and Normative Implications
    26 June 2013, Hamburg Lectures on Law and Economics, Institute of Law and Economics, University of Hamburg (Germany).
  61. Regulatory Competition in Contract Law: Empirical Evidence and Normative Implications
    14 January 2013, Centre for the Study of European Contract Law, University of Amsterdam (Netherlands).
  62. Regulatory Competition in Contract Law: Empirical Evidence and Normative Implications
    22 November 2012, Comparative Law Discussion Group, University of Oxford (England).
  63. Regulatory Competition in Contract Law: Empirical Evidence and Normative Implications
    21 November 2012, Centre of European Legal Studies, University of Cambridge (England).
  64. Die Vorschläge der Europäischen Kommission zur außergerichtlichen Streitbeilegung und grenzüberschreitende Verbraucherverträge [The European Commissions’ Proposals on Alternative Dispute Resolution and Cross-border Consumer Contracts]
    9 November 2012, Symposium „Reden statt klagen – Der Vorschlag einer Richtlinie über außergerichtliche Streitbeilegung und der Verordnungsvorschlag über Online-Beilegung von verbraucherrechtlicher Streitigkeiten” [Symposium „Talking instead of Sueing – The Draft  Directive on Alternative Dispute Resolution and the Draft Regulation on Online Dispute Resolution for Consumer Disputes“], German Federal Ministry for Consumer Protection, Berlin (Germany).
  65. Allgemeiner Teil und Effizienz [General Part and Efficiency]
    29 June 2012, Symposium „Brauchen wir eine Rom 0-Verordnung? Überlegungen zu einem Allgemeinen Teil des europäischen Internationalen Privatrechts” [Symposium „Do we need a Rome 0-Regulation? Considerations on a General Part of European Private International Law“], University of Bayreuth (Germany).
  66. Choice of Law and Choice of Forum in the European Union: From the Rome and Brussels Conventions to the Rome I- and Brussels I- Regulations
    8 June 2012, Globalaw, European Regional Meeting, Hamburg (Germany).
  67. Consumer Contracts: Recent Developments
    31 May 2012, Conference „Rome I & II – Law Applicable to Contractual and Non-Contractual Obligations: Analysis and Experiences“, Academy of European Law (ERA), Trier (Germany).
  68. The Proposed Common European Sales Law: Aspects of Private International Law
    9 December 2011, Roundtable „The Proposed Common European Sales Law”, Maastricht European Private Law Institute (M-EPLI), Brussels (Belgium).
  69. The Choice of Law Framework for Efficient Regulatory Competition in Contract Law
    14 Oktober 2011, Symposium „Regulatory Competition in Contract Law and Dispute Resolution”, Center for Advanced Studies (CAS), Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (Germany).
  70. Consumer Protection in Private International Law
    24 March 2011, Complutense Private International Law Conference, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid (Spain).
  71. The CISG and the Battle of the Forms: An Empirical Analysis
    12 March 2011, International Conference on the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods, Università di Verona, Verona (Italy).
  72. Kohärenz im Recht der Europäischen Union: Zum kollisionsrechtlichen Schutz des „Schwächeren“ [Coherence in European Union Law: On the Protection of „Weaker“ Parties in Choice of Law]
    7 February 2011, Internationale Juristenvereinigung Osnabrück (IJVO) [International Lawyers’ Association Osnabrück], Faculty of Law, University of Osnabrück (Germany).
  73. Consumer Protection in Private International Law
    6 January 2011, Hamburg Lectures on Law and Economics, Faculty of Law, University of Hamburg.
  74. Die Probleme internationaler Transaktionen: Das Internationale Privatrecht auf dem Prüfstand der ökonomischen Theorie [The Problems of International Transactions: Conflict of Laws on the Test Bench of Economic Theory]
    27 January 2009, Law & Economics Workshop, University of Bonn and Max Planck Institute for Collective Goods, Bonn (Germany).
  75. Effizienzprobleme bei grenzüberschreitenden Rechtsstreitigkeiten [Efficiency Problems of Cross-Border Disputes]
    29 March 2008, VI. Travemünder Symposium zur ökonomischen Analyse des Rechts [VI. Travemünde Symposium on Economic Analysis of Law], Travemünde (Germany).
  76. Choice of Law and Choice of Forum in the European Union: Recent Developments
    14 March 2008, Civil Justice Systems in Europe: Implications for Choice of Law and Choice of Forum, Institute of European and Comparative Law, Faculty of Law, University of Oxford (England).
  77. Methodological Approaches in Choice of Law: An Economic Perspective
    16 September 2005, 22nd Conference of the European Association for Law and Economics (EALE), Ljubljana (Slovenia).

Expert hearings

  1. Stärkung des Justizstandortes Deutschland [Strengthening Germany as a judicial location]
    13 December 2023, Rechtsausschuss des Deutschen Bundestages, Berlin

  2. Stärkung der Ziviljustiz in internationalen Wirtschaftsstreitigkeiten durch Einrichtung von Commercial Courts [Strengthening civil justice in international commercial disputes by establishing Commercial Courts]
    1 March 2023, Rechtsausschuss des Deutschen Bundestages, Berlin.
  3. Protection of Human Rights in Global Supply Chains: Do we need to amend the Rome II-Regulation?
    15 November 2021, JURI Committee, Europäisches Parlament, Brussels (Belgium)

  4. Building Competence in Commercial Law in the Member States
    10 October 2018, JURI Committee, European Parliament, Brussels (Belgium)

  5. Expedited Settlement of Commercial Disputes in the EU
    9 July 2018, JURI Committee, European Parliament, Brussels (Belgium)

Other Presentations

  1. Aktuelles aus dem Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht: Zur Regulierung globaler Lieferketten [Current developments in international commercial law: On the regulation of global supply chains]
    7 November 2024, Dinner Speech, Arbeitskreis Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht, Berlin

  2. Firlefanz oder Fortschritt – Wie viel Technik braucht der Rechtsstaat? [Frippery or progress - How much technology does the rule of law need?] 
    15 October 2024, Panel Discussion, Zukunftsforum Justiz, Stuttgart

  3. Menschenrechte und Zivilverfahrensrecht: Der “blind spot” des Lieferkettenrechts? [Human rights and civil procedural law: The “blind spot” of supply chain law?] 
    15 February 2024, Faculty Workshop, Faculty of Law, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

  4. Digitalisierung in der Juristischen Aus- und Weiterbildung [Digitalization in legal education and training]
    8 November 2022, Digital Justice Summit, Berlin.
  5. Brexit – Gedanken zum Wettbewerb der Justizstandorte [Brexit – Thoughts on Judicial Competition]
    29 January 2018, New Year's Reception for the Scholarship Holders of the German National Academic Foundation in Thuringia, Jena (Germany)
  6. The Future of Private International Law in Europe after Brexit
    6 September 2017, Private International Law Workshop, Duke Law School, Durham (USA)
  7. Europäisches Internationales Privatrecht [European Private International Law]
    27 May 2015, Conference on “European Economic Integration”, Thuringian Ministry for Migration, Justice and Consumer Protection, Erfurt (Germany).
  8. Protecting Consumers Across Borders: A (European) Private International Law Perspective
    10 March 2015, University of Sydney Law School, Sydney (Australia).
  9. Der Einfluss des Grundgesetzes auf die (frühe) Rechtsprechung des Bundesgerichtshofs zum Internationalen Privatrecht [The Influence of the German Basic Law on the Jurisprudence of the Federal Supreme Court in Private International Law]
    17 June 2014, Lecture Series “Höchstrichterliche Rechtsprechung in der frühen Bundesrepublik” [Jurisprudence in the Early Years of the Federal Republic of Germany], Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena (Germany).
  10. Wettbewerb der Rechtsordnungen – Horizontale Europäisierung im Vertragsrecht? [Regulatory Competition – Horizontal Europeanisation in Contract Law?]
    12 April 2013, Symposion „Europa und Privatrecht – Schlaglichter und Entwicklungstendenzen” [Europe and Private Law – Highlights and Trends], Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena (Germany).
  11. The Common European Sales Law: 28th, 2nd or 1st Regime?
    15 June 2012, Symposium, Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia).
  12. The Problem of International Transactions: Conflict of Laws Revisited
    3 May 2010, University of Illinois, College of Law, Urbana-Champaign (USA).
  13. Recent Developments in European Private International Law
    18 March 2010, Boalt Hall School of Law, University of California, Berkeley (USA).
  14. The Effect of Borders on International Trade: Problems and Solutions
    17 March 2010, Boalt Hall School of Law, University of California, Berkeley (USA).
  15. Die Pflicht zur Vorlage von Urkunden nach § 142 ZPO: Zur Reichweite des Anwaltsprivilegs im Zivilprozess [The Obligation to Produce Documents According to § 142 of the German Code of Civil Procedure: On the Scope of the Attorney-Client-Privilege in Civil Proceedings]
    3 February 2010, Faculty of Law, University of Hamburg (Germany).
  16. Das Internationale Privatrecht im Spiegel der ökonomischen Theorie [International Private Law in the Light of the Economic Analysis of Law]
    5 May 2009, Max Planck Institute for Comparative and Private International Law, Hamburg (Germany).
  17. International Transactions, Legal Differences and Constitutional Uncertainty: Conflict of Laws Revisited
    17 April 2009, Journal of Private International Law Conference, NYU Law School, New York (USA).
  18. The Role of Judges in Times of Globalisation: A Private International Law Perspective
    29 January 2008, Law Department, European University Institute, Florence (Italy).
  19. Party Autonomy in International Contracts: Comparative and Economic Observations
    28 January 2008, Law Department, European University Institute, Florence (Italy).
  20. An Economic Analysis of Private (International) Law
    18 September 2007, Max Weber Programme, European University Institute, Florence (Italy).
  21. Internationales Privatrecht: Zur Koordination verschiedener Rechtsordnungen [Conflict of Laws: On the Coordination of Legal Systems]
    9 June 2007, Max Planck Institute for Comparative and Private International Law, Hamburg (Germany).
  22. Internationales Privatrecht: Zur Koordination verschiedener Rechtsordnungen [Conflict of Laws: On the Coordination of Legal Systems]
    4 June 2007, Max Planck Institute for Comparative and Private International Law, Hamburg (Germany).
  23. Recent Trends in the Private International Law of Contracts: Transatlantic Convergence and Economic Efficiency
    16 February 2007, Lunchtime Seminar, Centre for Corporate and Commercial Law, Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge (England).
  24. Die Reform des europäischen Kollisionsrechts [The Reform of European Private International Law]
    15 November 2006, Seminar: Die internationale Dimension des Privatrechts [The International Dimension of Private Law], European Law Students Association (El§a) und Max Planck Institute for Comparative and Private International Law, Hamburg (Germany).
  25. Konvergenz und Effizienz im Internationalen Vertragsrecht [Convergence and Efficiency in the Private International Law of Contracts]
    30 October 2006, Max Planck Institute for Comparative and Private International Law, Hamburg (Germany).
  26. The German Law of Sales: §§ 433-472 BGB and the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods
    1 September 2006, 11th Tel Aviv-Hamburg Workshop, Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Hamburg (Germany).
  27. Der situative Anwendungsbereich von Artikel 5 im Entwurf einer Verordnung über das auf vertragliche Schuld­verhältnisse anwendbare Recht (Rom I) [The Scope of Application of Article 5 in the Proposal for a Regulation on the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations]
    26 July 2006, Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Hamburg (Germany).
  28. Die Anwendung ausländischen Rechts durch deutsche Gerichte: Zur Effizienz von Rechtswahlklauseln [Application of Foreign Law by Domestic Courts: The Efficiency of Choice-of-Law Clauses]
    11. March 2006, School of Law, Humboldt University, Berlin (Germany).
  29. Die Kosten der Rechtswahlfreiheit: Zur Anwendung ausländischen Rechts durch deutsche Gerichte [The Costs of Free Party Choice: On the Application of Foreign Law by Domestic Courts]
    16 February 2006, Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Hamburg (Germany).
  30. Die Kollision Allgemeiner Geschäftsbedingungen [The Battle of the Forms]
    10 December 2003, Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Hamburg (Germany).
  31. Die Kollision Allgemeiner Geschäftsbedingungen [The Battle of the Forms]
    29 October 2003, School of Law, University of Hamburg (Germany).
  32. Die duty of disclosure im englischen und deutschen Versicherungsvertragsrecht [The duty of disclosure in English and German Insurance Contract Law]
    7 July 2003, Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Hamburg (Germany).