Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Humboldt Center for the Legal Profession


The Center is funded by Humboldt University and supported by a a non-profit association ("Förderverein"). Members of the association are representatives from the legal profession. Their support allows the Center to fulfill its mission in research and teaching.

The "Förderverein" is a non-profit association within the meaning of the German Tax Code and as such tax-privileged. Its funds may only be used for the purposes mentioned in its statutes (which is the support of the Humboldt Center for the Legal Profession).



If you would like to support the Center, please consider becoming member of the association. The application form is available here.

Alternatively, you may make a donation and receive a donation receipt ("Spendenbescheinigung") in accordance with the German Tax Code. The association's bank details are as follows:

Account holder: Verein zur Förderung des Instituts für Anwaltsrecht an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin e.V.

IBAN: DE51 2907 0024 0222 8922 00
Bank: DB Privat- und Firmenkundenbank (Deutsche Bank PGK)

We will be happy to send you the current articles of association on request.


Board of the Association

  • Wolf Freiherr von Rechenberg, BRL (Chairman)
  • Julian Augustin, Redeker Sellner Dahs (Treasurer)
  • Dr. Dr. Alexander Ignor, Ignor & Partner GbR
  • Prof. Dr. Olaf Reidt, Redeker Sellner Dahs