Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Integrative Research Institute Law & Society (LSI)

The Law & Society Podcast

In the Law & Society Podcast, members of the Integrative Research Institute Law & Society (LSI) talk to scholars conducting interdisciplinary legal research all around the world.

The LSI Berlin aims to complement doctrinal legal research by the systematic inclusion of social sciences, the humanities and natural sciences, critically reflecting the opaque separation of knowledge by different academic disciplines. By this interdisciplinary approach, functions and interdependencies of law are examined in an integrative and methodologically reflected way.

Our podcast is committed to this very idea and, thus, serves the continuation of scientific exchange in times of physical distancing. To receive regular updates on new episodes, subscribe to the LSI newsletter and follow us on Twitter.


Christian Boulanger ist Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory in Frankfurt am Main.



Law & Society Podcast, episode 7 with Christian Boulanger: Spotify | Apple Podcasts



Francesco Bosso discusses his research on migrants’ rights in the context of different notions of the Rechtsstaat (the rule of law) with Valentin Feneberg. While the Rechtsstaat guarantees fundamental rights to non-citizens it is also referred to as source for policies of exclusion. Francesco discusses empirical findings from ethnographic field work with asylum seekers in Germany and elaborates in how far various forms of rightlessness faced are (ir)reconcilable with the ideal of the Rechtsstaat. He problematises the idea of  the law as ultimate yardstick for evaluating the legitimacy of practices of migrant exclusion and shows how the law can be opened to different notions of justice.


Francesco Bosso is a researcher at the Refugees Studies Centre at the University of Oxford. In winter term 2020/21 he was a guest researcher at LSI Berlin.


Law & Society Podcast, episode 6 with Francesco Bosso: Spotify | Apple Podcast


Christian Volk speaks with Johan Horst about different forms of protest and discusses the relationship of law and protest. Please find an extended abstract on our German webpage.


Christian Volk is Professor for Political Theory at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.


Law & Society Podcast, episode 5 with Christian Volk: Spotify | Apple Podcast

Susanne Baer speaks with Nahed Samour about the mobilization of equality rights and an interdisciplinary approach to legal studies as a means of elucidation. Please find an extended abstract on our German webpage.


Susanne Baer is a judge of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany and Professor for Public Law and Gender Studies at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin as well as L. Bates Lea Global Law Professor at the University of Michigan Law School.





In the third episode, Tobias Eule speaks with Valentin Feneberg about chances and challenges of empirical socio-legal studies and its relation to doctrinal legal studies. Please find an extended abstract on our German webpage.


Tobias Eule is professor for sociology of law at the University of Bern and Distinguished Research Fellow and head of the research group sociology of law at the Hamburg Institute for Social Research (HIS).


Eddie Bruce-Jones on Race and Inequality and the importance of the single case


Eddie Bruce-Jones speaks with Nahed Samour about scholarship on law and race in Germany and internationally. He stresses the importance of studying the single case for equality law, like the example of Oury Jalloh, a Black man who died in police custody in 2005 in Dessau/Germany, and its potential implications for the European Court of Human Rights. Rather than race being an US-centric category, Eddie Bruce Jones considers race a transhistoric and transnational concept that allows us to theorize similarities beyond geography and time. In a comparative as well as law and anthropology perspective, he explains how the concept of race is crucial in order to see how society is centrally structured around inequality.

Dr. Eddie Bruce-Jones is Reader in Law & Anthropology and Deputy Dean of the School of Law at Birkbeck College, University of London.


Law & Society Podcast, Episode 2 with Eddie Bruce-Jones:  Spotify | Apple Podcast

Nora Markard [in German] on the Gender Pay Gap and why the law needs empirical research

In the first episode, Nora Markard speaks with Nahed Samour about the gender pay gap and why the law must rely on empirical research in order to promote equality rights. Please find an extended abstract on our German webpage.

Nora Markard is professor for international public law and the international protection of human rights at the University of Münster and member of the board of the Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte.


Law & Society Podcast, Episode 1 with Nora Markard: Spotify | Apple Podcast



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