But what does the law say? Reading legal texts socio-legally
Nov 09, 2020
A digital workshop as part of the co-operation between the LSI Berlin and the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies at the University of Oxford. It seeks to contribute to thinking about socio-legal methods across the common and civil law traditions.
Call for Applications: Judicial Autonomy under Authoritarian Attack
Oct 15, 2020
2 Pre-Doctoral Research Fellows at the Department of Social Sciences of HU Berlin; Scientific services for research in the field of comparative political science, democracy research, rule of law and constitutional politics; contribution to the research project „Judicial Autonomy under Authoritarian Attack“.
Francesco Bosso from the Refugee Studies Centre Oxford is new guest researcher at LSI
Oct 10, 2020
During his association with Integrative Research Institute Law & Society, Francesco will be completing his PhD thesis on "the borders of the Rechtsstaat", which ethnographically investigates the doctrinal meaning and the social significance of the Rechtsstaat ideal in relation to the process of migrant exclusion.
Berlin University Alliance awards funding to The Laws of Social Cohesion
Oct 06, 2020
The Berlin University Alliance (BUA) announced a major funding award for The Laws of Social Cohesion (LSC), a collaborative endeavor of FUELS (Freie Universität Empirical Legal Studies), the Integrative Research Institute Law & Society (LSI) and Recht im Kontext.
Surveillance and Religion: Laws and Practices – New Research Project at LSI
Sep 30, 2020
Since September 2020 the research project Surveillance and Religion: Laws and Practices is based at the Integrative Research Institute Law & Society with Dr. Nahed Samour M.A. as principal investigator. It is funded by the Arab Young German Academy.