Second episode of the Law & Society Podcast online
Jul 31, 2020
In the second episode of the Law & Society Podcast, Dr. Eddie Bruce-Jones from the University of London speaks about race and inequality and the scholarship on law and race in Germany and internationally.
Crisis Managers Wanted - Authoritarian vs. Democratic Systems in Times of Instability
Jul 06, 2020
LSI speaker Prof. Dr. Silvia von Steinsdorff was part of a panel discussion on „Crisis Managers Wanted - Authoritarian vs. Democratic Systems in Times of Instability” at the POSTWEST festival (Volksbühne Berlin), together with Oliver Bilger (Tagesspiegel) and Vlad Troitskyi (Center of Contemporary Art DAKH, Kyiv). Chair: Gwendolyn Sasse (ZOiS).
Moira Fradinger on gender diversity and sexual identity in Argentina
Jun 26, 2020
Moira Fradinger discusses Argentina’s ground-breaking legal reform of 2012 which de-pathologized gender identity and sexual diversity
Legal form(s) beyond capitalism?
Jun 22, 2020
Johan Horst discusses Grietje Baars's The Corporation, Law and Capitalism in the Völkerrechtsblog.
Lectures on Contemporary Turkey: Anatomy of a Political Regime
May 12, 2020
Online Lecture Series on Contemporary Turkey: Anatomy of a Political Regime by Off-University and HU Blickwechsel: Contemporary Turkey Studies from May to July 2020 every Wednesday, 5 pm.