Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Integrative Research Institute Law & Society (LSI)


The Vote4OurRuleofLaw (Vote4ORoL) Fellowship - Apply now!

Mar 02, 2024
The Vote4OurRuleofLaw (Vote4ORoL) Fellowship is an initiative designed to engage young Europeans more actively in the European Parliament (EP) elections, aiming to increase turnout rates to levels more comparable with national elections. This programme focuses on empowering young voters by highlighting the significant impact EU decisions have on their lives and the importance of electing politicians who are committed to protecting democracy. By providing education on the EP's role and the importance of informed voting, the fellowship seeks to develop a well-informed talent pool of first-time voters to enhance electoral participation in the upcoming June elections and beyond.

Lesekreis Klima und Recht – Umbrüche und Kontinuitäten CALL FOR PAPERS: Procedure v. Substance in Harm Prevention?

Jan 24, 2024
Am Integrative Research Institute Law & Society (LSI) der Juristischen Fakultät der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin beginnt zum Wintersemester 2023/2024 eine neue, interdisziplinäre Diskussionsreihe zum Themenbereich Klima und Recht, der „Klimakreis“. In einer Sitzung im März 2024 besteht für teilnehmende Doktorand*innen und Postdocs die Gelegenheit, ein eigenes Paper zum Themenbereich zur Diskussion zu stellen; auch Work-in-Progress-Arbeiten können eingebracht werden.

Constitutional Challenges – Judging under Pressure

Jan 22, 2024
8-9 February 2024: A two-day conference discussing the urgent challenges facing constitutional democracies today, including democratic decay, persistent inequalities and the climate crisis. Co-hosted by the Centre for Fundamental Rights at the Hertie School, the University of Münster and the Integrative Research Institute Law & Society at Humboldt University Berlin.

Special Issue of the German Journal of Forced Migration and Refugee Studies: Courts in Context. Empirical and Interdisciplinary Approaches to Asylum Law, edited by Valentin Feneberg and Petra Sußner

Mar 30, 2023
The special issue 'Courts in Context: Empirical and Interdisciplinary Approaches to Asylum Law' was published in March with contributions by Lena Riemer, Johanna C. Günther, Teresa Büchsel, Cathryn Costello, Janna Wessels, Judith Riepe, Annelie Neumann, Mailin Loock, Sophie Greilich and Maren Kirchhoff.