Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Prof. Dr. Christian Marxsen

Florian Kriener


Professional Positions

  • Since 11/2023 | Research Consultant
  • Since 05/2023 | Trainee lawyer at the Berlin Court of Appeal

- Federal Foreign Office, Division for General International Law and Fundamental International Law Issues (500)

- Berlin Public Prosecutor's Office, Department for Hate Crime

- Baker McKenzie, foreign trade law, in particular with reference to European sanctions law

- Inter-American Court of Human Rights, San José, Costa Rica

  • 01/2020-10/2023 | Research Associate at MPIL, Member of the Max Planck Research Group Shades of Illegality in International Peace and Security Law

- Research stay at King's College London (07-08/2022)

- Dissertation project: The treatment of state support for non-violent protest movements under international law

  • 2020-2023 | Doctorate at the Faculty of Law of the University of Heidelberg (summa cum laude)
  • 2014-2019 | Study of law at the Ruprecht-Karls-University of Heidelberg

- Research assistant at the MPIL 2017-2019 and at the Max Planck Foundation for the Rule of Law and International Peace 2017

- Internships at the German Embassy Santiago de Chile and at the Berlin office of Noerr LL

- Jessup Moot Court 2016

  • 2016-2017 | Semester abroad at the Universidad de Chile

- Student assistant at the Heidelberg Center para America Latina

- Research stay at the Chilean Supreme Court

  • 2013 | Baccalaureate at the German School Santiago de Chile


Recent Publications

  • Proteste und Intervention - Die staatliche Unterstützung gewaltfreier Protestbewegungen im Völkerrecht. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden, 2024, ca. 680 S., Dissertation Universität Heidelberg
  • Die Grenzen der Völkermordkonvention. In: Europäische Grundrechtezeitschrift 51/1-9, 20-25 (2024).
  • Das Interventionsverbot in autoritären Kontexten. In: MPIL100, Philipp Glahé, Alexandra Kemmerer (Hrsg.). Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaft e.V., Heidelberg 2023.
  • Quashing protests abroad: The CSTO’s intervention in Kazakhstan. In: Journal on the Use of Force in International Law 10/2, 271-298 (2023) (zusammen mit Leonie Brassat).
  • Intervention, Prohibition of. In: Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, Anne Peters (Hrsg.). Oxford University Press, Oxford 2023.
  • Protest Movements: On the Fringes of International Law. In: Proceedings of the American Society of International Law 2023, soon to be published.
  • The Prohibition of Intervention. In: The Edward Elgar Encyclopedia of International Economic Law, Thomas Cottier, Krista Nadavukaren Schefer (Hrsg.). Edward Elgar, Cheltenham 2023, soon to be published.
  • The EU Response to Foreign Interference: Legal Issues and Political Risks. In: ZaöRV 83/2, 197-207 (2023) (zusammen mit Lukas Harth, Jonas Wolff).
  • Privatisierte Demokratieförderung - Die völkerrechtliche Zurechnung halbstaatlicher Demokratieförderer am Beispiel der deutschen politischen Stiftungen und des National Endowment for Democracy. In: Archiv des Völkerrechts 4, 439-475 (2021) (zusammen mit Viktoria Schmidt).
  • The Rise of Nonviolent Protest Movements and the African Union’s Legal Framework. In: ESIL Reflection 10/4 (2021) (zusammen mit Elizabeth Wilson).
  • Gewaltfreie Protestbewegungen als Legitimitätsquelle? Eine Replik. In: ZaöRV 80/4, 881-911 (2020).
  • Authoritative Decision of the International Court of Justice, International Criminal Court, Arbitration. Conflict Barometer 2020, 25-26, 2021.
  • Invitation - Excluding ab initio a Breach of Art. 2 (4) UNCh or a Preclusion of Wrongfulness? In: ZaöRV 79/3, 643-646 (2019).
  • Determining an International Watercourse: The Dispute of Chile v. Bolivia concerning the Silala. In: Revista Tribuna Internacional 6/12 (2017).
  • International Court of Justice; International Criminal Court. In: Konfliktbarometer des Heidelberger Instituts für Internationale Konfliktforschung 28, 21-22 (2019).