Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - DynamInt

Call for Applications: Associated Doctoral Researchers



The Research Training Group DynamInt offers up to four doctoral researchers the opportunity to be admitted into the Graduate College as associated members. Associated Membership in DynamInt includes, in particular, participation in the weekly colloquia and other events within the Graduate College (lecture series, summer schools etc.). Associated doctoral researchers benefit from exchange with doctoral researches and with the academic directors of the program and can participate in all of DynamInt’s training programmes.

Associated Researchers do not receive funding through DynamInt.



The duration of the association with the Graduate College is flexible. Associated doctoral researchers can be part of DynamInt for shorter periods of time or be associated for the entire duration of their doctoral project.


Application Process

The First German State Examination in Law or a comparable degree is expected, as well as sufficient knowledge of a European language. The research project should be connected to the research agenda of the Graduate College.

The common working language in the College is German, a sufficient level of German is therefore a requirement.


Applications can be submitted at any time, there is no fixed deadline. Please direct your applications, which should include a research proposal for the doctoral project that outlines the current state of the research to