The Centre organises lectures, workshops, and conferences in the areas of civil and criminal justice. Focusing on questions related to access to justice and the regulation of the legal services sector all these events are intended to promote the dialogue between academia, the legal profession, and the judiciary.
- 30 November: Conference on the occasion of the 250th meeting of the Criminal Law Committee of the German Federal Bar (in cooperation with the German Federal Bar).
- 18 October: Lecture on ”American Democracy and the Rule of Law - in the Shadow of the 2024 Presidential Election“ by Prof. Russell A. Miller from Washington & Lee University (Virginia) (in cooperation with the German-American Lawyers' Association (DAJV).
- 13 June: Informative event on LL.M. studies in the USA (in cooperation with the German-American Lawyers' Association and the Graduate Centre of the Faculty of Law). Further information on the event/registration here.
- 30 May: Workshop on women in the legal profession (Women@Advocacy) (in cooperation with the Caroline von Humboldt Mentoring Programme and the Graduate Centre of the Faculty of Law). Further information on the event/registration here.
- 24 May: Academic event " Public authorities between administrative and prosecution activities - The reversal of roles as a special challenge for the defence" (in cooperation with the Association for Commercial Criminal Law - WiSteV).
- 12 February: Introduction to the field of compliance consulting for the students specializing in German and international criminal justice.
- 19 January: Conference on professional law on the topic of "The future of the prohibition of third-party ownership in law firms". Further information on the conference here.
- 30 November: Lecture by Professor Peter Hay (Emory Law School, USA) at the invitation of the German-American Lawyers' Association (DAJV) and the Research Institute for Lawyers' Law on the topic "Foreign Corporations before US Courts - The US Supreme Court Decision in Mallory v. Norfolk Southern Railway." Further information on Professor Peter Hay and the lecture event here.
- 19 October: Lecture by Professor George Bermann of Columbia University (New York, NY) at Humboldt University on "What does it mean to be pro-arbitration?" at the invitation of the German-American Lawyers' Association (DAJV) and the Research Institute for Bar Law.
- More information on the German-American Lawyers Association (DAJV) and the event here.
- 18 January: Conference on the topic of "Working time and time recording in law firms". Details can be found in the invitation.
- 01 October: Autumn conference in the form of an online conference on the topic "The Legal Tech Act: What applies from today on and what is still to come". Details can be found in the invitation.
- 12 March: Online conference on "Commercial rent in times of the pandemic". Further information can be found in the invitation/programme.
- 26 February: Online conference on the topic of "Modernising civil procedure". Details can be found in the invitation/programme. The Anwaltsblatt has published a report: