Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - DynamInt

Johannes Weigl




Dissertation project: The defendant’s constitutional right to a judgment – Defensive access to justice in civil and criminal matters [in German]





From 2011 to 2017: studies of law at University of Passau, Université Toulouse I Capitole and Monash University Malaysia, holding merit-based scholarships of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (2012-2017) and the Max Weber Program (2011-2017) as well as a Clifford Chance Scholarship (2014-2015). First State Examination (2017; Bavarian Minister of Justice’s Award for outstanding performance, top 1%) and Licence en droit (2016).


During the studies: worked as a student research assistant to Prof. Dr. Dennis Solomon (2012-2017); completed Foreign Law and Language Education for jurists in English (FFP2) and French (FFP1); participated in the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (2013-2014; Honourable Mention for Martin Domke Award); coached teams of the University of Passau (2015-2017). After graduation: worked as a trainee lawyer with law firm Hengeler Mueller (2017, Dispute Resolution).


From 2018-2020: legal clerkship at the Higher Regional Court of Munich, including placement with a law firm in Melbourne, Australia. During the clerkship: worked as a graduate research fellow at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (2018-2019, with Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hau, RiOLG). Second State Examination (2020, top 2%).


Since 2020: doctoral studies at LMU Munich (supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hau, RiOLG) and working as graduate research and teaching fellow at University of Potsdam (with Prof. Dr. Dorothea Assmann), holding merit-based doctoral scholarships of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (since 2021) and the Max Planck Institute for Procedural Law (2022). Research stay at the Max Planck Institute for Procedural Law in Luxembourg (2022; Dept. Prof. Dr. Burkhard Hess). Associated Researcher with DFG Research Group “DynamInt” at the Humboldt University of Berlin (since 2023).


During the doctoral studies: worked as a trainee lawyer with different Berlin firms in the fields of public law and criminal law (2020-2021); did pro bono legal work with the Society for Civil Rights (GFF) in Berlin (2020-2021); currently working as a co-editor-in-chief for the Berlin Law Journal (BRZ, since 2021) at the Free University of Berlin.




Research interests

  • Procedural Law
  • Fundamental Rights
  • Civil Law (esp. Contracts & Torts)
  • Competition Law & Platform Regulation
  • Comparative Law & Legal Theory
  • Interdisciplinary Legal Research
  • Criminal Law



Publications [in German]



  • Opfer der Diplomatie. Von moderner Sklaverei, ausgehebelter Immunität und der schwierigen Suche nach Gerechtigkeit (English translation: Sacrifices of diplomacy. Of modern slavery, evaded immunity and the difficult quest for justice), VerfBlog, December 2022, available at:

  • (Examens-)Übungsklausur Strafrecht: „Schlüssel zum Glück“ (English translation: Criminal law sample exam: “Key to happiness”), ZJS 2022, 598–607 (with T. Gafus).

  • Konsolidierung durch Koordination. Zur Bewältigung positiver Kompetenzkonflikte im Europäischen Zivil-, Straf- und Verwaltungsprozessrecht (English translation: Consolidation through Coordination. How to resolve conflicts of jurisdiction through European law of civil, criminal and administrative procedure), GVRZ 2022, no. 10.

  • (Referendar-)Examensklausur Strafrecht: „Verhängnisvolle Feier“ (English translation: Criminal law sample exam: “Fateful party”), JuS 2022, pp. 336–342 (with T. Gafus).

  • Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte (GFF): Gesetzesentwurf „Demokratiestärkungsgesetz” & Policy Paper „7 Punkte für ein modernes Gemeinnützigkeitsrecht“, (English translation: German Civil Liberties Union (GFF): Bill “Strengthening of Democracy Act” & Policy Paper “7 Ideas for a Modern Non-Profit Law”, August 2021, available at: (acknowledged contribution; principal author: V. Kube).

  • Das Dauerschuldverhältnis (English translation: The continuous obligation), JURA 2020, pp. 906–919.

  • Gleichheit im Rausch. Cannabis, Alkohol und eine Chance für das Bundesverfassungsgericht (English trans­lation: Equality in frenzy. Cannabis, alcohol and an opportunity for the Federal Supreme Court), VerfBlog, May 2020, available at: (with T. Gafus and T. Kerstges).

  • Grundzüge und Systematik der familiengerichtlichen Unterhaltsdurchsetzung (English translation: Main principles and systematics of maintenance enforcement in family courts) – Teil I (Part I), JA 2020, pp. 292–298; Teil II (Part II), JA 2020, pp. 377–385.

  • Länderberichte „Belgien“ und „Luxemburg“ (English translation: Country reports “Belgium” and “Luxembourg”) in: Gierl/Köhler/Kroiß/Wilsch (eds.): Internationales Erbrecht (English translation: International succession law), 3rd ed. 2019, pp. 376–411, 615–643.

  • Berliner Rechtszeitschrift (BRZ) (English translation: Berlin Law Journal): Issues 2/2021; 1/2022; 2/2022.