Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - DynamInt

Dr. Luke Dimitrios Spieker, Maîtrise en droit (Paris), LL.M. (London)


Postdoctoral researcher at DynamInt since May 2024


Research project:

Dynamics of Belonging: The Transformations of Nationality Laws During the Course of European Integration





Dr. Luke Dimitrios Spieker is a post-doctoral researcher at DynamInt since May 2024 where he works on various issues of constitutional, European, and international law. He is also a Senior Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law. In his previous research, he has focused on the protection of EU values, the protection of constitutional identities and the dialogue between European and national courts. In a new line of research, he concentrates on the transformations of nationality laws during the course of European integration.

Dimitri Spieker studied law in the framework of the European Law School. In 2016, he passed his first state examination (Faculty Prize) and subsequently obtained a Maîtrise en droit from Université Panthéon-Assas in Paris (Prix d’Excellence of the Franco-German University) and an LL.M. from King’s College in London (David D. Cameron Memorial Prize). He then worked as a PhD student and research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg. During his studies, he was supported by a scholarship of the German National Academic Foundation. Research stays led him, among others, to the European University Institute. In 2022, he received he completed his PhD under the supervision of Armin von Bogdandy with a thesis on the judicial enforcement of EU values. The thesis received several awards, such as the Wilhelm Bender Dissertation Prize, the Otto Hahn Medal, and the UACES Best Book Prize 2024. Dimitri Spieker then completed his legal traineeship at the Berlin Higher Regional Court with assignments to the Federal Ministry of Justice, Redeker Sellner Dahs and the Commission’s legal service. He passed his second state examination in November 2023.

Dimitri Spieker’s main publications include his monograph EU Values Before the Court of Justice (Oxford University Press) and studies on transformative constitutionalism at the European Court of Justice (Columbia Journal of European Law), the protection of EU values in the Member States (German Law Journal, Common Market Law Review and European Constitutional Law Review), constitutional identity reviews in the Member States (Common Market Law Review), or the primacy of EU law (Common Market Law Review). His research has been awarded the Common Market Law Review Prize for Young Academics and an Honourable Mention at the Ius Commune Prize.

His expertise has been requested also beyond academia by national and European institutions. In addition, Dimitri Spieker advises various NGOs such as RECLAIM and the Helsinki Committee.

A full CV can be found here.



Fields of research


  • Public law (especially constitutional law)
  • European Union law (especially its constitutional dimensions)
  • Interaction of national courts and the Court of Justice
  • Nationality laws



Current publications (Selection)


complete list of publications (February 2025)

  • Spieker, Luke Dimitrios, EU Values Before the Court of Justice. Foundations, Potential, Risks Oxford University Press, 2023 (available here)


  • Spieker, Luke Dimitrios, Die Verfassungsprinzipien, in Jürgen Bast und Armin von Bogdandy (eds.), Unionsverfassungsrecht. Eine Neubestimmung anhand der Grundlagen im EU-Vertrag (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2024), pp. 123-178 (with Armin von Bogdandy) (available open access here)
  • Spieker, Luke Dimitrios, Bonds without Belonging? The genuine link in international, union, and nationality law, Yearbook of European Law 43 (2024) (first view) (with Ferdinand Weber) (available open access here)
  • Spieker, Luke Dimitrios, Rethinking primacy’s effects: On creating, avoiding and filling legal vacuums in the national legal system, Common Market Law Review 61 (2024), 913-958 (with Mathieu Leloup) (available here)
  • Spieker, Luke Dimitrios, Transformative Constitutionalism in Luxembourg? How the Court can Support Democratic Transitions, Columbia Journal of European Law 29 (2023), 65-92 (with Armin von Bogdandy) (available open access here)
  • Spieker, Luke Dimitrios, The conflict over the Polish disciplinary regime for judges – an acid test for judicial independence, Union values and the primacy of EU law, Common Market Law Review 59 (2022), 777-812 (available here)
  • Spieker, Luke Dimitrios, Werte, Vorrang, Identität: Der Dreiklang europäischer Justizkonflikte vor dem EuGH, Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht 33 (2022), 305-313 (available here)
  • Spieker, Luke Dimitrios, Framing and managing constitutional identity conflicts: On how to stabilize the modus vivendi between the Court of Justice and national constitutional courts, Common Market Law Review 57 (2020), 361-398 (available here)
  • Spieker, Luke Dimitrios, Breathing Life into the Union’s Common Values: On the Judicial Application of Article 2 TEU in the EU Value Crisis, German Law Journal 20 (2019), 1182-1213 (available open access here)