DFG Research Training Group: DynamInt
DynamInt is a graduate program funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) launched on October 1, 2019. Its common field of study is the equilibrium between harmonisation and plurality in European law. The core of the program is the development of rules, principles and institutions from the perspective of legal scholarship that inspire a dynamic vision of integration in order to face the challenges of processes of disintegration in the EU.
The methodological approach of DynamInt is both international and interdisciplinary. DynamInt is situated within the outstanding network of leading universities in Europe united in the European Law School. The program also benefits from interdisciplinary cooperations under the auspices of the Law & Society Institute Berlin and several other institutes.
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Please consider our call for applications for international PostDocs.
DynamInt fellows Lena Kaiser and Gesche Ripken elected as speakers of the DynamInt fellows for the summer semester 2025.
New publication by DynamInt PostDoc Dimitri Spieker! In the Heidelberg Journal of International Law he argues that any Treaty change to better protect EU values is unrealisitic, unnecesary, and even unproductive. His conclusion: "Trust the Treaties!" The contribution can be accessed open access here (ZaöRV 84 (2024), 745-760).
New publication by DynamInt fellow Hannah Zaruchas: 'Challenging Dublin transfers. Revisiting judicial developments in light of the new Asylum and Migration Management Regulation: CZA and X v Staatssecretaris', Common Market Law Review 62 (1), 2025 237-258.
New publication by DynamInt associate Lukas Märtin: "Drei Milliarde Euro als Verfassungsfrage" on Verfassungsblog, 07th February 2025.
New publication by DynamInt PostDoc Dimitri Spieker on the rights of trans persons in the EU! The article has been published in the "Europäischen Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht" (EuZW, 2025, 112-124) and can be accessed here.
New publication by DynamInt PostDoc Dimitri Spieker and Armin von Bogdandy on the "constitutional principles" in Article 2 TEU! The contribution has been published in the volume "Unionsverfassungsrecht" edited by Jürgen Bast and Armin von Bogdandy and is available open access here.
New publication by DynamInt PostDoc Dimitri Spieker and Ferdinand Weber in the Yearbook of European Law! Read the article "Bonds without Belongin? The genuine link in international, union, and nationality law" open access here.
Lecture by Prof. Athanasia Dionyssopoulou (University of Athens): The Concept of Legal Pluralism in the Area of Freedom, Security, and Justice.“, Thursday, 23th January 6pm, WHI
New publication by DynamInt fellows Lena Kaiser and Dr. Luke Dimitrios Spieker together with Andreas Knecht: European Society Strikes Back, Verfassungsblog, 26th of November. 2024.
New publication by DynamInt fellow Oguzhan Samanci together with Leonie Steffen: ZR-Anfängerklausur im Delikts- und Vertragsrecht: Das TV-Huhn Brunhilde, JURA 2024, p. 1202.
New publication by DynamInt fellow Leon Theimer: Die unionsrechtliche Zukunft des Schadensersatzes wegen Verletzung einer ausschließlichen Gerichtsstandsvereinbarung, 88 The Rabel Journal of Comparative and International Private Law 2024, 556-585 (available Open Access)
New publication by DynamInt fellow Nicolas Dewitte: La justice allemande face à la spécialisation et l’internationalisation: au sujet de la loi allemande introduisant des commercial courts, in: Revue internationale de droit économique (RIDE) 2024, issue 1, pp. 49 - 64.
Congratulations! Dr. Luke Dimitrios Spieker was awarded the UACES Best Book Prize 2024 for his book "EU Values Before the Court of Justice. Foundations, Potential, Risks"!
Every year, the University Association of Contemporary European Studies (UACES) awards a prize "for the book that has made the most substantial and original contribution to knowledge in the area of contemporary European Studies". This year, Dimitri Spieker was honored at the annual conference in Trento.
New publication by DynamInt fellow Oguzhan Samanci together with Prof. Gerhard Wagner: Justizgrundrechte im Schiedsverfahren? - Pechstein und die Folgen für die Handelsschiedsgerichtsbarkeit, ZEuP 2024, 533-574.
Congratulations to Dr. Ruth Weber for finishing her habilitation on June 11th 2024. She received a habilitation for public law, European law, fiscal law, constitutional history an comparative law. The topic of her habilitation treatise is: „Budgetrecht und repräsentative Demokratie im Mehrebenensystem". Her habilitation presentation was on „Verfahrensfehlerfolgenrecht im Kontext der Energiewende".
New publication by DynamInt PostDoc Dimitri Spieker with Mathieu Leloup in the new issue of the Common Market Law Review!": Rethinking primacy’s effects: On creating, avoiding and filling legal vacuums in the national legal system" (2024) 61 Common Market Law Review 913-958 - Link here.