Prof. Dr. Axel Metzger, LL.M. (Harvard)
Professor for Civil Law and Intellectual Property Law, especially Industrial Property Law
Photo: Wilhelm Böttcher
Prof. Metzger's research focuses on intellectual property law and in particular on industrial property rights. In addition to the long-standing research project on innovative development and distribution models in the field of software, in particular on open source license models, a series of publications on the role of patent and plant variety rights in the development of innovative plants have been published since 2014. In recent years, Metzger has also been increasingly researching legal issues relating to data markets and related areas of private law. The resulting research questions are dealt with in an interdisciplinary manner and with a particular focus on international issues.
In addition to his research and teaching activities, Metzger also advises on legislative procedures at national and European level and acts as an expert witness in court proceedings, for government agencies, industry associations, international organizations and NGOs. He has been invited several times as an expert witness to hearings of the German Bundestag
Born in 1971
1993–1998 law studies in Hamburg and Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), 1st and 2nd state exam in Hamburg
1999–2002 Doctor iuris at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München and Université Paris II (Panthéon-Assas) in copyright law
2001–2007 Senior Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for comparative and international Private Law, Hamburg
2005–2006 LL.M. program, Harvard Law School
2008 Habilitation at the Universität Hamburg: Venia legendi for civil law, business law, especially intellectual property law, private international law and comparative law, legal methodology
2008-2014 Professor for civil law, intellectual property law, information technology law and international private law at the Faculty of Law, Universität Hannover
2011 Visiting Professor at the Universität Basel
2012 Visiting Professor at the Bucerius Law School, Hamburg
2016 Visiting Professor at the Tongji University, Shanghai
Since 2014: Professor for civil law and intellectual property law, especially industrial property law at the Faculty of Law, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- 2022–2024 Dean of the faculty of law