Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - DynamInt

Call for Presentations & Posters

Download the call for presentations here


The DFG Research Training Group ‘DynamInt’ invites PhD candidates to a two-day workshop at the Humboldt University of Berlin on 15th and 16th July 2021, in the context of the European Law School - Summer School 2021. Depending on Covid-19 related restrictions, the event will take place in person and/or online. The Doctoral Forum provides a platform for PhD candidates in the field of European Law to present their research, debate current issues, exchange ideas with other researchers and get feedback from Professors and Post-Docs in an international environment. 


About Us

DynamInt (Dynamic Integration – Law in-between Harmonisation and Plurality in Europe) is a Research Training Group funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and was established in 2019. The research program’s main focus is the balance between harmonisation and pluralism in European Law.

Law has always played a central role as both object and means of European integration. The European Union’s ever-growing influence on national law, along with processes of disintegration such as Brexit, has fueled a lot of criticism of the EU’s extensive harmonisation powers in the past years. Against the background of an increasingly strained relationship between unity and diversity and a Union constantly seeking its legitimacy, the program aims at fostering a dynamic vision of integration and developing rules and principles that address these challenges.


Markets, Governance and European Law in the Algorithmic Era

One of the biggest challenges of the 21st century is the evolution of digital technology, with the Covid-19 crisis pushing us even further towards a digital world. We now live in an era where services and markets are digital, the role of artificial intelligence is evolving rapidly, data is the most valuable commodity, decisions are made through algorithms, and cybercrime is on the rise. These developments pose many legal challenges to the European Union and its Member States, requiring new regulations and standards. Will dealing with these new phenomena ultimately lead to more European integration? 

As part of this year’s ELS Summer School on “Markets, Governance and European Law in the Algorithmic Era”, the DynamInt Doctoral Forum aims to reflect on the general impact of the digital age and the emerging algorithmic era on European legal integration.

Possible topics include but are not limited to: how algorithms change decision making processes and governance (e.g. robot judges, e-government), what role information overload plays in different areas of the law (e.g. the transparency regime of capital market law), which actors and regulations shape the digital age (e.g. the Digital Services Act package), how digitalisation impacts society (e.g. digital equality and other fundamental rights issues), how criminal and/or civil procedural law are affected (e.g. electronic evidence, liability risks of artificial intelligence), how digitalisation and democracy are related...

Participants might also take inspiration from the ELS Digital Ideas Lunch Series weekly schedule. Contributions from all fields of European Law are welcome. 


Presentations & Posters

The DynamInt Doctoral Forum will comprise two keynote speeches (morning sessions) as well as a panel and a poster session (afternoon sessions). For the afternoon sessions, we welcome contributions for presentations and/or posters.

The selected candidates for the panel session will give a 15-minute presentation in front of other PhD researchers, Professors and Post-Docs who will comment on each presentation. An open discussion amongst the panellists and the audience will follow.

The selected candidates for the poster session will showcase and present their poster as well as discuss their findings with the other participants who will move freely from poster to poster. This session is an informal and interactive space to network and talk about the different PhD projects. The poster should summarise the PhD project and could include, among other things, the structure and/or main ideas, mindmaps, graphics and diagrams, controversial hypotheses. Don’t limit your imagination!

The finalised program, including all keynote speeches, panel and poster sessions, will be published on our website


Application Process

Applications should encompass:

  • Abstracts for both presentations and/or posters in Word format of no more than 500 words. In case of an application for the poster session, possible ideas for the design of the poster can be attached.
  • CV with full contact details.

Applications should be sent to by 30th April 2021 with the subject “Doctoral Forum Abstract Submission” and an indication regarding the panel and/or poster option. 

The selected candidates will be notified via email by the end of May 2021.

The final posters will be due by 30th June 2021.

Within capacity, it is possible to attend the event without giving a presentation or submitting a poster. In this case, only a CV is required. Attendees will be notified by the end of May 2021. 



DynamInt is pleased to announce that the German Research Foundation (DFG) will cover travel and accommodation expenses (up to a certain amount) for all selected candidates participating in the Doctoral Forum, who will be giving a presentation or presenting a poster. More detailed information will follow once the selection process has been closed.



For any questions or inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us under the subject  “Doctoral Forum” at