Access to Law - Accessible Rights? Fifth Congress of the German-speaking Sociology of Law Association, 21-23 September 2023, Leopold-Franzens-University Innsbruck
As "access to law" is a classic topic in the sociology of law and within the empirical legal studies it will build the focus of the inter- and mulitdisciplinary congress taking place in Innsbruck in September 2023.
As "access to law" is a classic topic in the sociology of law and within the empirical legal studies it will build the focus of the inter- and mulitdisciplinary congress taking place in Innsbruck in September 2023. Theoretical, empirical and methodological reflections around "access to law" and "accessible rights" are highly welcome. Current crises (economy, climate, health, migration etc) as well as technological developments (keyword: digitalisation) also challenge the access to justice and the accessibility of law. As empirical studies repeatedly show, the accessibility of law varies greatly for people of different origins, social class, gender, (dis)ability, etc. Thematically, nine conference strands (= “tracks”) will be hosted:
Knowledge about law, knowledge in law, knowledge for law
Legal subjectivity and legal subjects
(Non-)mobilisation of law and rights
Access to criminal law
Access to social rights, access to social law
Global access to law
Courts in crisis
Environment in law
Societal security - social security, sense of security and access to justice
In addition to these tracks, contributions from inter- and multidisciplinary legal research dealing with other topics may also be submitted. As all scholars from all disciplines are highly invited to present and discuss their theoretical perspectives and empirical research results in the field of inter- and multidisciplinary research on law.
The Congress is organised by:
Department of Applied Sociology of Law and Criminology, Faculty of Social and Political Science, University of Innsbruck, Vienna (IRKS)
Department of Legal Theory and Future of Law, Faculty of Law, University of Innsbruck
Department of Civil Law, Faculty of Law, University of Innsbruck
Participating Organisations:
Arbeitskreis Politik und Recht, Deutsche Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft
Research Committee "Sociology of Law", Swiss Sociological Association (FKR)
Integrative Research Institute Law & Society, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (LSI)
Sektion "Recht & Gesellschaft“, Austrian Association for Sociology
Section "Sociology of Law", German Sociological Association
Call for Papers: https://www.recht-und-gesellschaft.info/innsbruck2023/CfP.html
Please submit until 16.01.2023