Sven Siebrecht
Research Project: The External Environmental Law of the European Union
Undergraduate law studies in Göttingen and Valencia from 2015 to 2021, funded by the German Academic Scholarship Foundation and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Since 2021, Ph.D. candidate of Prof. Dr. Till Patrik Holterhus, MLE., LL.M. (Yale) at Georg August University Göttingen and Leuphana University Lüneburg, funded by the German Academic Scholarship Foundation, from 2021 to 2023 as a research assistant at the Chair for Public Law and Public International Law at Humboldt University of Berlin. LL.M. studies at Harvard Law School in 2023 and 2024, funded by the ERP program of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation and the German Academic Exchange Service. Research stay at the European University Institute from August to December 2024.
Research Interests
- German and European Constitutional Law
- Comparative Constitutional Law
- Constitutional Theory
- Climate Law
- Climate Litigation and the Politics of Rights (manuscript completed, 51 pp.)
- Das AfD-Verbot in der Sackgasse? – Zur Wirkung vorgezogener Neuwahlen auf das im Bundestag beantragte Parteiverbotsverfahren gegen die AfD, Verfassungsblog 23/12/2024 (with Eva Isabell Martin and Janosch Wiesenthal)
- Regulatory Chill – How Foreign Fossil Fuel Investors Thwart Climate Action, The [F]law 05/02/2025
- Functions of Constitutions, in Grote/Lachenmann/Wolfrum (eds.), Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law, Oxford University Press 2024 (with Till Patrik Holterhus)
- Entschädigungslose Enteignung russisch kontrollierter Energieinfrastruktur, JuristenZeitung 2023, 321 (with Till Patrik Holterhus)
- Anfängerhausarbeit: Punks auf Sylt, Zeitschrift für das Juristische Studium 2023, 831
- Rosneft am Ende? – Zum jüngsten Urteil des BVerwG betreffend die Treuhandverwaltung von Rosneft Deutschland, Verfassungsblog 16/03/2023 (with Till Patrik Holterhus)
- Im Griff des Bären? – Zu den (geringen) Erfolgsaussichten eines gerichtlichen Vorgehens gegen die Treuhandverwaltung von Rosneft Deutschland, Verfassungsblog 26/09/2022 (with Till Patrik Holterhus)
- Combating Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing within the Regime Complex for Ocean Fisheries, EILS Jean Monnet Paper 3/22