Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - DynamInt

Jan Philipp Huth

Dissertation project: Discursive Pluralism: Conceptualising the Theoretical Foundations, Limits and Perspectives of the Autonomous EU Legal Order



Law studies at Passau University and European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) from 2016 – 2022, specialisation in European law. Exchange studies at the Institut d’études politiques de Paris (Sciences Po) 2020. Scholarship of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation/Deutschlandstipendium/Linklaters scholarship.

From January to December 2023 Graduate Research Assistant at the Chair of Public International Law, Eastern European Law and Comparative Law (Prof. Dr. Carmen Thiele), European University Viadrina (2020 – 2022 Undergraduate Research Assistant ibid.). Since November 2023 Graduate Research Assistant to Prof. Dr. Steffen Hindelang, LL.M. (Uppsala University/Celis Institute Berlin).

Since October 2022 doctoral candidate at the Chair of Public and European Law (Prof. Dr. Carsten Nowak), European University Viadrina. From September 2023 to January 2024 research stay at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Since April 2024 Associated Researcher with the DFG Research Group “DynamInt” at Humboldt University of Berlin.


Research Interests

  • European Constitutional Law
  • Legal Theory
  • Arbitration Law and International Investment Protection
  • European Fundamental Rights Law


Publications and Presentations

  • 09/2024 University of Münster, Münster Conference on Public International and Comparative Law: Strengthening Intergenerational Justice and Crisis-Resilience within Supranational Decision-making Structures: The Case for Deliberative Governance on the European Level (publication of contributions to the conference in a peer-reviewed journal’s special issue envisaged by conference conveners)


  • 04/2024 ARENA Centre for European Studies, Oslo University, Workshop on Coherence in Multi-Level Orders:EU Legal Autonomy Revisited: Discursive Pluralism as a Way Out of the Impasse of Competing Claims to Final Authority?


  • 03/2024 Péter-Pázmány-University Budapest/Erfurt University, Conference (Budapest), The Lisbon Treaty 15 Years on – Achievements and Challenges: European Integration in the Age of Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence: Digital European Citizens’ Assemblies as a Way of Enhancing Supranational Democracy? (publication of contributions to the conference envisaged by conveners in conference volume)


  • 03/2024 Salzburg Centre of European Union Studies, Salzburg University, SCEUS Young Scholars Workshop on EU studies: EU Legal Autonomy Revisited: Discursive Pluralism as a Way Out of the Impasse of Competing Claims to Final Authority?


  • 10/2023 PhD research seminar, Junger Arbeitskreises Recht und Politik, Goethe University Frankfurt: Die Autonomie des Unionsrechts im Lichte eines „diskursiven Pluralismus“: Gren-zen rechtlicher Systematisierung und europapolitische Perspektiven
  • Zeitschrift für das Juristische Studium 2021, 740: Ein Vertragsrecht für das digitale Zeitalter? Überblick und Anmerkungen zur Umsetzung der Warenkaufrichtlinie und der Richtlinie über digitale Inhalte im BGB, ZJS 2021, 740 (together with Franziska Kühl and Dr. Daniel Könen)