Student Assistants
Postal address
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Juristische Fakultät
Öffentliches Recht und Rechtsvergleichung
10099 Berlin
Altes Palais, Raum 421
Unter den Linden 9, Berlin-Mitte
Mathilda Bartel
- Since 2024: Student Assistant, Chair for Public and Comparative Law, Humboldt University of Berlin (Professor Dann)
- Since 2022: Law student, Humboldt University of Berlin
- 2021-2022: Studium Generale, Leibniz Kolleg Tübingen
- 2021: AbiBac, Anton-Philipp-Reclam Gymnasium Leipzig
Contact Details
Mail: mathilda.gertrud.anna.bartel(at)
Dillon Davis
Short Bio
- Since 2023: Member, Reading Group "Law and Political Economy"
- Since 2022: Member, Research Group "Persecution of Students, Junior Researchers and Administrative Staff at Berlin's Faculty of Law during National Socialism"
- Since 2022: Intern, German Institute for Human Rights and Administrative Court of Berlin
- 2021-2022: Participant, Humboldt Law Clinic on Fundamental and Human Rights
Since 2021: Student Assistant, Chair for Public and Comparative Law, Humboldt University of Berlin (Professor Dann); project “Legal Cultures in India and Europe” (2021-2023)
Since 2020: Law student, Free University of Berlin, Humboldt University of Berlin and National Law School of India
Since 2017: Undergraduate student of North American Studies, John-F.-Kennedy-Institute, Free University of Berlin; Majors: Sociology and Political Science
2017: Abitur (high school diploma), Otto-Nagel-Gymnasium, Berlin-Biesdorf
Contact Details
Mail: dillon.davis(at)
Mette-Luise Hellerich
Short Bio
- 2024: Intern, Public Attorney's Office Itzehoe and Greenberg Traurig LLP
- Since 2024: Student Assistant, Chair for Public and Comparative Law, Humboldt University of Berlin (Professor Dann)
- Since 2023: Board Member, Rechtswissenschaftliche Landesfachschaft Berlin/Brandenburg
- Since 2022: Student Legal Counsellor, Law & Legal e.V.
2022-2023: Student Assistant, Naschke & Partner
Since 2022: Law student, Humboldt University of Berlin
2022: Abitur (high school diploma), Detlefsengymnasium, Glückstadt
Contact Details
Mail: mette-luise.hellerich(at)
Alexander Weber
Short Bio
- Seit 2024: Student Assistant, Chair for Public and Comparative Law, Humboldt University of Berlin (Professor Dann)
- Since 2023: Intern, Project Sovereign Europe (Bertelsmann Foundation) and JUMEN e.V.
- 2023-2024: Participant, Humboldt Law Clinic on Fundamental and Human Rights
- 2021-2022: Participant, Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition
- seit 2022: Law student, Humboldt University of Berlin
- 2019-2022: Student, Hochschule des Bundes für öffentliche Verwaltung; Intern, Office for Legal Affairs in the German Ministry for Foreign Affairs and German Embassy in Helsinki
- 2016: Abitur (high school diploma), Landesgymnasium für Sport Leipzig
Contact Details
Former Student Assistants
- Nadja Baumert
- Luise Bublitz
- Franziska Duda
- Jonathan Franz
- Sophie Früchtenicht
- Lisa Fuchsberger
- Louisa Hattendorff
- Malen Kira Koch
- Charlotte Maier
- Erem Mut
- Freya Schramm
- Julian Schramm
- Mirjam Greta Schneider
- Hoa Vuong
- Danae Zolotas