Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Prof. Dr. Herbert Zech


Auf dieser Seite finden Sie aktuelle Nachrichten und Neuigkeiten des Lehrstuhls.

New publication: Legal Aspects of Access to Human-Generated Data and Other Essential Inputs for AI Training

Burden/ Chiodo/ Grosse Ruse-Khan/ Markschies/ Müller/ hÉigeartaigh/ Podszun/ Zech


Humboldt University is launching an English-language LL.M. program

Humboldt University is launching an English-language LL.M. program. While Humboldt University has offered a variety of Master-programs in German for many years, this will be the firstgeneral LL.M. program in English. The program will provide students with an in-depth understanding of German and European law, enriched with and very much in the context of global perspectives.

The program will start in a year from now with the academic year of 2025-2026. It addresses graduates from all over the world with strong foundational knowledge in their respective legal system and at least one year of professional experience. Applications for the program will be possible from 1 to 31 March 2025.

You will find more information on the webpage:

Humbolt-Innovationspreis für Masterarbeit über KI und Open Source

Die Jury für die Vergabe des Humboldt- und des Innovationspreises 2024 in ihrer gestrigen Sitzung beschlossen hat, Linda Novobilska für die von Prof. Dr. Zech und Dr. Lasota betreute und begutachtete Masterarbeit "Free and Open Source Software Licensing Requirements and Copyright Infringement Involving Artificial Intelligence Technologies" mit dem Innovationspreis für die beste "Research to Innovation" Qualifizierungsarbeit in der Kategorie Masterarbeit auszuzeichnen. 

Die Arbeit von Frau Novobilska stellt einen gelungenen Versuch dar, die Lizenzierungsanforderungen von Open Source Software in Bezug auf KI-Technologien systematisch zu analysieren. Die Arbeit hat Licht in die neuesten Entwicklungen des Urheberrechts gebracht und bietet tiefe Einblicke in die jüngsten Rechtsstreitigkeiten in den USA.

Die Masterarbeit ist auf dem e-doc Server zugänglich.




Publication:The Data Act: First Assessments

Andreas Sattler / Herbert Zech
Über dieses Buch

In June 2023 the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society, the Humboldt University of Berlin and the Center for Intellectual Property, Information and Technology Law (CIPLITEC) held a workshop on the – then just politically agreed – Data Act (DA). This volume contains the contributions based on the presentations by international experts, who participated in this workshop.

The EU Data Act: First Assessments sheds light on the interfaces between the DA and important other fields of law that the DA will have a great impact on. The First Assessments in this volume show that there are still various open questions and conflicts with different legal areas, posing fundamental challenges to achieving the objectives envisioned by the European legislator. This volume demonstrates that it will largely be up to the CJEU to successfully synchronise these legal interfaces, on which the DA so heavily depends. 

Contributions written by:

  • Martina Eckardt (Budapest, Hungary) & Wolfgang Kerber (Marburg, Germany)
  • Bertin Martens (Brussels, Belgium)
  • Thomas Weck (Frankfurt, Germany)
  • Herbert Zech (Berlin, Germany)
  • Axel Metzger (Berlin, Germany)
  • Tanya Aplin (London, United Kingdom)
  • Andreas Sattler (Karlsruhe, Germany)
  • Benjamin Raue (Trier, Germany)
  • Andreas Wiebe (Göttingen, Germany)


Masterclass: Digital Platforms & Corporate Power  Challenges and Inspirations from Grassroots Social Movements

As a conclusion of the  Seminar "Law & Tech in the Mass Democracy Age", Dr. Lucas Lasota invites Dr. Bruna Tavora to  perform the last lecture on the role of civil society for re-establishing the balance of power in the digital world. Dr. Tavora will talk about digital platforms and corporate power by explaining the challenges and inspirations from grassroots social movements. 

Dr. Tavora is a communication activist and social science researcher with focus on Political Communication and Social Movements. She has been involved with several social movements for land justice and equality in Brazil.

The admission is free but places are limited. The lecture will be held in English.

Save the date!

When: 17.07.24 at 14:00 Berlin Time

Where: Humboldt University of Berlin, room 139A (Unter den Linden 9)


EU-U.S. Datenübermittlungen. Europäisierung des U.S.-amerikanischen Datenschutzstandards im Sinne der Schrems-Rechtsprechung?

Jonathan Baumer untersucht in einem Artikel in der BRZ 2024/01, ob die neue Rechtsgrundlage für die Übermittlung personenbezogener Daten aus der EU in die USA - der Durchführungsbeschluss 2023/1795 der Kommission v. 10.7.2023 - einer gerichtlichen Überprüfung durch den EuGH standhalten würde. Die Beurteilung konzentriert sich darauf, ob Änderungen des U.S.-amerikanischen Rechtsrahmens für nachrichtendienstliche Zugriffe auf personenbezogene Daten die Kriterien des EuGH für ein angemessenes Schutzniveau im Sinne des Art. 45 Abs. 1 DS-GVO i.V.m. Art. 7, 8 und 47 GRCh erfüllen. Damit wird ein Ausblick gegeben, ob eine Rückkehr zur Rechtsunsicherheit und zur Praxis der Standardvertragsklauseln bei Datenübermittlungen in die USA infolge eines „Schrems III“ zu befürchten ist.


Der Aufsatz ist im Open Access hier []


Publication: Regulating AI: A Matrix for Gauging Impact and its Legal Implementation

Maurice Chiodo/ Henning Grosse Ruse-Khan/ Dennis Müller/ Lea Ossmann-Magiera/ Herbert Zech

This paper presents new and alternative avenues for regulating AI, understood in the broad sense of state intervention that directly or indirectly affects how AI is developed and deployed. In doing so, it also identifies two new regulatory axes to be addressed - Big/Small AI Impact, and Big/Small AI Teams - and the challenges associated with designing tools that are effective and tailored to these axes. [...]



Publication: Regulating Corporate Behaviour in Digital Ecosystems: Increasing Fairness and Contestability of Digital Markets with Free Software

Dr. Lasota authored a study linking the new Digital Markets Act, Free Software and freedom of terminal equipment. This article puts into perspective EU legislative initiatives aimed at economic regulation of corporate behaviour towards digital devices, and the role Free Software has facilitating the process of achieving fairness and contestability of digital markets. As a case study, this article presents the recent regulatory developments involving routers and modems in the EU, and the interaction telecom operators’ monopolistic practices have with Free Software. Link:

Publication: Managing Copyright and Licensing Information in Software Projects: Streamlining Specifications and Standards for the Next Generation Internet

Dr. Lasota co-authored a paper on specifications for communicating copyright and license information for software projects. As a study case, this paper focuses on how a compliance workflow was proposed to the Next Generation Internet (NGI), an European Commission initiative for Europe’s digital transformation. The paper illustrates the workflow proposed for software projects covered by the NGI, covering topics such as compliance processes, code release, guidelines for external contribution, and baseline requirements for contracts and trademarks. In particular, the article refers to the “REUSE Software”, a set of best practices for declaring copyright and licensing in an unambiguous, human- and machine-readable way. Link:


Masterclass: How to train your AI - Legal aspects of training a machine learning model

As a conclusion of the  Seminar "Introduction to Software Law", Dr. Lucas Lasota invites Dr. Lisa Käde ( to conduct a masterclass legal aspects of training machine learning models. Dr. Käde will explore why the better the data, the better the results for AI models. The AI being this hungry for data it is tempting for data scientists to collect just any data set available on the internet, or even journey on a new quest of scraping the web. But what are the legal implications? Together, we will take a look at common training data licensing concepts, as well as aspects of copyright and data protection.

Dr. Lisa Käre is lawyer at JBB, Managing Director of the Robotics & AI Law Society (RAILS) e.V. and member of Institute for Legal Issues of Free and Open Source Software (

The admission is free but places are limited. The lecture will be held in English.

Save the date!

When: 07.02.24 at 12:15 Berlin Time

Where: Humboldt University of Berlin, room E25 (Unter den Linden 9)


Publication: Study on website blocking and network interference

Dr. Lucas Lasota co-authored a comprehensive study on website blocking and network interference, published in the Internet & Policy journal. The article is a cooperation among researchers from Weinzenbaum Institute - Resarch Group Digitalization and Networked Security.  More at:


Publication: Liability for AI

The book analyses in-depth the issues raised by the European Parliament resolution of October 20, 2020 calling for
an “EU Regulation on Liability for the Operation of Artificial Intelligence-Systems” which have now been followed up by the legislative proposals for an AI Liability Directive and a revised Product Liability Directive, published by the European Commission on September 28, 2022. These proposed new legal acts, which may lead to a far-reaching reshaping of liability law at European and national level, were discussed at the colloquium as the first expert event on this subject.

Please find the publishers information under the following link:






Online Lecture "Digital resistance: the role of civil society actors in establishing balance of power in the digital age"


As a conclusion of the  Seminar "Law, Democracy and Digital Sovereignty", Dr. Lucas Lasota invites Prof. Dr. Mathias Klang ( to conduct an online lecture on "PDigital resistance: the role of civil society actors in establishing balance of power in the digital age".

Prof. Dr. Klang is Associate Professor in Digital Technologies and Emerging Media in the Department of Communication and Media Studies at Fordham University.  .

The admission is free but places are limited. The lecture will be held in English. 

Save the date! 

When: 19.07.23 at 14:15 Berlin Time (CEST)






Publication: Chapter on sustainability of the telecom sector

Dr. Lucas Lasota co-published a chapter on how regulatory framework over end-user devices impact the sustainability of telecom sector within the Bits&Bäume book. It can be found here (p. 116):



Sandra Wachter - The Theory of Artificial Immutability: Protecting Algorithmic Groups under Anti-Discrimination Law

As part of our Distinguished Fellow Program, Prof. Sandra Wachter of the Oxford Internet Institute will be presenting her work on Discrimination and AI.

Artificial intelligence is increasingly used to make life-changing decisions, including about who is successful with their job application and who gets into university. To do this, AI often creates groups that haven’t previously been used by humans. Many of these groups are not covered by non-discrimination law (e.g., ‘dog owners’ or ‘sad teens’), and some of them are even incomprehensible to humans (e.g., people classified by how fast they scroll through a page or by which browser they use).

This is important because decisions based on algorithmic groups can be harmful. If a loan applicant scrolls through the page quickly or uses only lower caps when filling out the form, their application is more likely to be rejected. If a job applicant uses browsers such as Microsoft Explorer or Safari instead of Chrome or Firefox, they are less likely to be successful. Non-discrimination law aims to protect against similar types of harms, such as equal access to employment, goods, and services, but has never protected “fast scrollers” or “Safari users”. Granting these algorithmic groups protection will be challenging because historically the European Court of Justice has remained reluctant to extend the law to cover new groups. In her talk, Sandra Wachter argues that algorithmic groups should be protected by non-discrimination law and shows how this could be achieved.

Her talk is hosted by the Weizenbaum Institute and the European New School of Digital Studies at the Europa-Universität Viadrina.

Please register for the event via

Sandra Wachter is Professor of Technology and Regulation at the Oxford Internet Institute at the University of Oxford where she researches the legal and ethical implications of AI, Big Data, and robotics as well as Internet and platform regulation. Her current research focuses on profiling, inferential analytics, explainable AI, algorithmic bias, diversity, and fairness, as well as governmental surveillance, predictive policing, human rights online, and health tech and medical law.

At the OII, Professor Sandra Wachter leads and coordinates the Governance of Emerging Technologies (GET) Research Programme that investigates legal, ethical, and technical aspects of AI, machine learning, and other emerging technologies. She will be a Distinguished Fellow at the Weizenbaum Institute.


SoSe Seminar - Law, Democracy and Digital Sovereignty

Dr. Lucas Lasota is offering for the summer semester 2023 the seminar "Law, Democracy and Digital Sovereignty". The seminar is dedicated to the legal aspects of fundamental elements for digital democracy. It puts into perspective the concept of „Digital Sovereignty“ in Europe. Digital sovereignty is the ability and freedom states, organizations and citizens have to freely act and perform in the digital world.  The course will provide an overview of the various areas of law covering the following topics: data rights, intellectual property and digital technologies, net neutrality and digital human rights, artificial intelligence and cybersecurity.

More information here.

Online Lecture "Post-Growth Economy and the Role of Free and Open Source Software"


As a conclusion of the  Seminar "Introduction to Software Law", Dr. Lucas Lasota invites Dr. Melanie Rieback ( to conduct an online lecture on "Post-Growth Economy and the Role of Free and Open Source Software".

Dr. Rieback is the CEO/Co-founder of Radically Open Security, the world’s first non-profit computer security consultancy company. She is also a former Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the Free University of Amsterdam. Dr. Rieback was named one of the 400 most successful women in the Netherlands by Viva Magazine (Viva400) in 2010 and 2017, one of the fifty most inspiring women in tech (Inspiring Fifty Netherlands) in 2016, 2017, and 2019. Her company, Radically Open Security, was named the 50th Most Innovative SME by the Dutch Chamber of Commerce (MKB Innovative Top 100) in 2016.

The admission is free but places are limited. The lecture will be held in English.

Save the date!

When: 15.02.23 at 14:15 Berlin Time (CEST)



Der Aufsatz zu "Nachhaltigkeit und Digitalisierung im Recht" ist erschienen und steht hier zu Verfügung.

2022-08-08: #gnuHU CryptoParty #4

#gnuHU feiert wieder eine CryptoParty - am 8.8.2022 ab 19 Uhr im Medientheater (HU Musik- und Medienwissenschaft, Georgenstraße 47).
Weitere Infos finden Sie unter folgendem Link:

#gnuHU feiert wieder eine CryptoParty - am 8.8.2022 ab 19 Uhr im Medientheater (HU Musik- und Medienwissenschaft, Georgenstraße 47).

Online Lecture "Regulating AI: Challenges and Future Perspectives"

As a conclusion of the  Seminar "Digital Sovereignty", Dr. Lucas Lasota invites Prof. Dr. Mariana Valente ( from University of St. Gallen to conduct an online lecture on "Regulating AI: Challenges and Future Perspectives".

As a member of the Brazilian Senate Commission for drafting an Artificial Intelligence regulation, Dr. Valente will provide an overview on the challenges to safeguard human rights in the context of the emergence of new technologies on the recent legislative developments for regulating AI.

Dr. Valente is an Assistant Professor for International Economics Law at the University of St.Gallen. She researches and teaches in the intersection between law, technology and society, especially in regulating the digital economy and fundamental rights in the online environment. She has experience in equity policies, gender equality, access to knowledge, culture and education, intellectual property, the impact of technologies on democracy and social mobilization, and data justice issues.

The admission is free but places are limited. The lecture will be held in English. For more information, please send an email to

Save the date!

. When: 20.07.22 at 14:15 Berlin Time (CEST)

. Where: [HU BBB Instance] (


Seminar Digital Sovereignty

Dr. Lucas Lasota is offering for the summer semester 2022 a seminar on the legal aspects of Digital Sovereignty. Participants will have the opportunity to learn more about the EU regulatory framework involved on the elements of sovereignty for individuals, organisations and governments.

The course will be 100% online and will provide an overview of the various areas of law covering what today is commonly referred as digital sovereignty, including data rights, intellectual property, artificial intelligence, internet regulation and cybersecurity.

More information here.


Seminar Künstliche Intelligenz und das Recht - Revolution oder viel Lärm um nichts?

Wiss. Mit. Pablo Schumacher und Ferdinand Müller bieten im Sommersemester 2022 wieder ihr Seminar "Künstliche Intelligenz und das Recht - Revolution oder viel Lärm um nichts?" an.

Das Seminar soll der Vorbereitung auf die Anfertigung der examensrelevanten Studienarbeit dienen. Andererseits soll auch ein Einblick in die Arbeit als Rechtswissenschaftler in an einem aktuellen Forschungsgebiet vermittelt werden.

Während des Kurses sollen die Teilnehmenden in einem breiten Anwendungsbereich aktuelle Fragestellungen des Rechts der Künstlichen Intelligenz bearbeiten, wobei interdisziplinäre Ansätze bevorzugt gesehen sind.

Weitere Informationen zum Seminar finden Sie in diesem Flyer.


Fälle zum Recht des geistigen Eigentums

Herr Ohly, Herr Hofmann und Herr Zech haben ihre Fallsammlung zum Recht des geistigen Eigentums überarbeitet und neu aufgelegt.

Die Neuauflage berücksichtigt den aktuellen Stand von Gesetzgebung, Rechtsprechung und Literatur. Die Fallsammlung ist besonders für Studierende und Referendar*innen sowie alle, die sich in den Rechtsbereich des geistigen Eigentums mit Fällen einarbeiten wollen, zu empfehlen.

Das Buch ist nun bei C.H. Beck erhältlich.



Einführung in das Technikrecht

In der Schriftenreihe digital | recht Schriften zum Immaterialgüter-, IT-, Medien-, Daten- und Wettbewerbsrecht ist der zweite Band erschienen.

Das Buch von Prof. Dr. Herbert Zech will eine Einführung in das faszinierende Rechtsgebiet des Technikrechts geben. Es definiert Technikrecht als techniksteuerndes Recht, umreißt die Ziele des Technikrechts anhand der Chancen und Risiken von Technologien und skizziert die rechtlichen Mittel, mit denen diese verfolgt werden. Als besondere Herausforderungen werden die Dynamik der Technik und die damit verbundene Ungewissheit über die Chancen und Risiken neuartiger Technologien herausgearbeitet. Geordnet nach den Zielen werden die verschiedenen umfassten Rechtsgebiete überblicksartig dargestellt, um schließlich die Frage zu stellen, ob das Technikrecht als ein eigenständiges Rechtsgebiet aufgefasst werden kann.

Das Buch ist jetzt hier Open Access verfügbar und hier erhältlich. 


General and specific monitoring obligations in the Digital Services Act - Observations regarding machine filters from a private lawyer's perspective

You can read Mr Zech's article on general and specific monitoring obligations in the Digital Services Act for the Verfassungsblog here.

The article is part of the debate "To Break Up or Regulate Big Tech? Avenues to Constrain Private Power in the DSA/DMA Package".


Patentschutz: Impulsgeber für Innovationen oder Behinderung von Produktion?
- Brauchen wir ein Patentrecht? 

In diesem Aufsatz für die Zeitschrift des ifo Instituts diskutieren Prof. Dr. Herbert Zech und einige Kollegen das Thema Patentschutz. Herr Zech fällt insgesamt ein positives Urteil zum Patentschutz: Er ermögliche technische Innovation in Bereichen, in denen sich Entwicklungsaktivitäten wegen leichter Nachahmbarkeit und hohen Investitionsbedarfs ansonsten nicht lohnen würden. Patentschutz sei daher nach wie vor das Mittel der Wahl zur Innovationsförderung.

Weitere Informationen und den PDF-Download finden Sie hier.


Gutachten für den 73. Deutschen Juristentag

Das Gutachten A für den 73. Deutschen Juristentag zum Thema "Entscheidungen digitaler autonomer Systeme: Empfehlen sich Regelungen zu Verantwortung und Haftung?" von Prof. Dr. Herbert Zech ist nun bei C.H. Beck erhältlich.








Transformative Technologien - Wechselwirkungen zwischen technischem und rechtlichem Wandel

Das Buch "Transformative Technologien - Wechselwirkungen zwischen technischem und rechtlichem Wandel", herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. Bijan Fateh-Moghadam und Prof. Dr. Herbert Zech ist nun bei Nomos erhältlich.

Mehr Informationen finden sie in diesem Flyer.






Doctoral students                   

Derzeit können leider keine weiteren Doktorand*innen betreut werden.
Wir bitten Sie daher, von weiteren Anfragen abzusehen.

Sobald wieder freie Stellen zur Verfügung stehen, wird dies hier bekannt gegeben.

Unfortunately, no further doctoral students can be supervised at the moment.
We therefore kindly ask you to refrain from further enquiries.

As soon as vacancies become available again, it will be announced here.


Neuer Schwerpunkt 4b "Recht und digitale Transformation"

Herr Prof. Zech ist der Ansprechpartner für den neuen Schwerpunkt 4b - "Recht und digitale Transformation". Dieser wird im kommenden Wintersemester 2020/21 erstmalig angeboten.

Eine kurze Vorstellung des Schwerpunkts und der angebotenen Vorlesungen finden Sie hier.


GRUR-Aufsatz zu COVID-19

Herr Zech hat gemeinsam mit Axel Metzger einen Aufsatz mit dem Titel "COVID-19 als Herausforderung für das Patentrecht und die Innovationsförderung" (GRUR 2020, 561-569) veröffentlicht.

Der Aufsatz ist hier bei Beck-Online aufrufbar.