Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Prof. Dr. Pauline Endres de Oliveira

Law and Migration

Welcome to the website of the Chair of Law and Migration.


Since October 2023, the law faculty at Humboldt University has established a new research focus in migration law. Migration law is a challenging and dynamic field of law, with normative grounds in EU and international law. Overall, migration law raises a broad spectrum of public law issues that shape social and political processes. Our international and interdisciplinary research is anchored at the Law and Society Institute (LSI) and the Berlin Institute for Empirical Integration and Migration Research (BIM). Additionally, we also coordinate the training cycle and counseling activities of the Refugee Law Clinic Berlin e.V.

Postal address

Humboldt University of Berlin
Faculty of Law
Chair of Law and Migration
Unter den Linden 9
10117 Berlin


Phone: +49 30 2093-91590
Fax: +49 30 2093-91591
Office hours by appointment