Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Prof. Dr. Matthias Ruffert



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How to reach us in English or another foreign language


Please feel free to contact us in English if information you find on our homepage is not (yet) translated. 

Our secretary, Mr. Dennis Mandrela, will be happy to help you. 


We may also communicate in the following languages upon request:

Български, español, français, italiano, עברי.

Research Training Group "Dynamic Integration"

  • More Information with regard to the "DynamInt" research training group can be found here.


News and Events

Homepage in process

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Chair for Public Law and European Law 

How to reach us in English or another foreign language


Please feel free to contact us in English if information you find on our homepage is not (yet) translated. 

Our secretary, Mr. Dennis Mandrela, will be happy to help you. 


We may also communicate in the following languages upon request:

Български, español, français, italiano, עברי.

Research Training Group "Dynamic Integration"

  • More Information with regard to the "DynamInt" research training group can be found here.


News and Events