Online Lecture Series on Contemporary Turkey: Anatomy of a Political Regime
- Online Lecture Series on Contemporary Turkey: Anatomy of a Political Regime
- 2020-05-13T17:00:00+02:00
- 2020-07-15T17:00:00+02:00
- When May 13, 2020 05:00 to Jul 15, 2020 05:00
- Where Online Lecture
In the last two decades, Turkey has gone through major political, social and economic changes with critical repercussions in every sphere of life. Now counted among the cases of autocratic regimes, Turkey is far from being able to find democratic solutions to its long-rooted problems. With this lecture series, we aim to discuss different dimensions of these changes by focusing on constitution and law, the nature and form of the political regime, the relation between politics and religion, state and violence, media and politics as well as pandemic and the production of differences and inequalities. The series featuring eminent scholars will give us a comprehensive analysis of contemporary Turkey.
To join the lecture series please register via Off-University's Online Lecture Platform following this link.
This lecture series is co-organized by Off-University and HU Blickwechsel: Contemporary Turkey Studies and funded by Einstein Foundation Berlin and Stiftung Mercator.