Integrative Research Institute Law & Society is part of the Oxford/Berlin Research Partnership
Since 2019, the Integrative Research Institute Law & Society (LSI) is part of the Oxford/Berlin Research Partnership. With the project "The Role of Law in Society". An Oxford/Berlin socio-legal research partnership, cooperation with the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies at the University of Oxford is being strengthened.
This new cooperation is located in the field of law and society studies which include a wide
range of methods, that offer innovative perspectives on law beyond legal doctrine. As well as social science, legal science is interested in a convincing transposition and systematisation of these socio-legal methods. In this context our project seeks to make an internationally informed contribution.
Starting with two workshops, one in Berlin, one in Oxford, we pursue the goal of deepening our understanding of each other’s approaches to ‘law and society’, and thus to lay the foundation for further future cooperation in the context of research projects and joint grant applications. In addition, the workshops are intended to lay the foundation for graduate student, postdoctoral researcher and staff visits as well as longer term exchanges, for instance in the context of sabbaticals.
The first workshop in the form of an international Winter School took place in November 2019 in Berlin and was entitled Politics and Law. An interdisciplinary dialogue between social and legal sciences. For that, the two partner institutes cooperated with the Centre Marc Bloch Berlin. A conference report can be found here.
The second workshop will take place at the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies in Oxford in December 2020.
Please find further information on the Berlin University Alliance and the Oxford/Berlin Research Partnership here.