Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Integrative Research Institute Law & Society (LSI)

Regulating Extremes: Climate Change

Regulating Extremes: Climate Change

Beginning in February 2022, the lecture series will address goals and challenges that regulation faces in times of climate crisis.

Climate change increases the risk of natural disasters, damages ecosystems and exacerbates humanitarian crises worldwide. The fight against global warming is one of the key challenges of the 21st century. The expectations that are directed at the law (among others) are therefore considerable: law can be a driving force of the social transformation that is necessary to prevent the threat of extreme restrictions on freedom in the near future. It can also mitigate the individual consequences of climate change through distributive mechanisms. Yet, the law is subject to doctrinal as well as practical, political or social limits. In the lecture series we want to discuss goals and challenges that regulation faces in times of climate crisis.


The lecture series is part of the join project The Laws of Social Cohesion, a collaborative endeavor of the Integrative Research Institute Law & Society, FUELS (Freie Universität Empirical Legal Studies Center) and Recht im Kontext, funded by the Berlin University Alliance as part of the Grand Challenge Initiatives Social Cohesion.


More information about the program here.