Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Walter Hallstein Institute

Humboldt Speeches on Europe

How do the presidents of the European member states and other high-ranking representatives of European institutions assess the current situation and future of the European project? The Humboldt Speeches on Europe aim to answer this question.

Federal Foreign Minister Fischer gave an initial assessment in his keynote speech on European integration on 12 May 2000 at the invitation of the Walter Hallstein Institute for European Constitutional Law at the Humboldt University in Berlin. As a result of the great international response to this speech, the Deutsche Nationalstiftung and the Humboldt University of Berlin, together with the Walter Hallstein Institute, created the lecture series of "Humboldt Speeches on Europe" - and thus a forum for the perspective discussion of the fundamental questions of European integration. Heads of state and government as well as high-ranking representatives of national, european or international institutions speak here.

In this perennial tradition, not only Joschka Fischer's speech is remembered as an impulse for debate on the European project: Among the now almost 40 speakers, the then Prime Minister of Luxembourg and President of the Eurogroup, Jean-Claude Juncker, the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Durão Barroso, and Ineta Ziemele, President of the Latvian Constitutional Court and former judge of the European Court of Human Rights, can be cited as examples.

Since 2008, the lecture series has been organized in cooperation with the Representation of the European Commission in Germany and Deutsche Post DHL. Since 2014 the series has also been supported by Stiftung Mercator.

Sponsors of the Humboldt Lectures

Former sponsors of the Humboldt Speeches on Europe are the Deutsche Nationalstiftung, Deutsche Post DHL, the European Commission and the Robert Bosch Foundation.

Since 2014, the Humboldt Lectures have been organised and carried out with the generous support of the Mercator Foundation. The Representation of the European Commission in Germany is the patron of the speeches. Since 2017, the lecture series has also been part of the joint project "We are Europe", which is organised by the Walter Hallstein Institute, the Stiftung Zukunft Berlin and the International Journalists' Programmes e.V. and is also sponsored by the Stiftung Mercator.

You can participate in the Humboldt Speeches as follows:
Registration for future Humboldt speeches is accessible to all via the Walter Hallstein Institute's website. Participation in the series of speeches, which is intended to contribute to the public discourse on European integration outside the realm of daily politics, is expressly desired. After the speeches there will also be an opportunity for discussion with the speakers and the audience. Furthermore, the individual lectures can also be followed via a livestream.

A first volume of the speeches has been published by the Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag and the second volume was recently published by Nomos-Verlag.

If you would like to be added to the WHI mailing list and receive invitations to the Humboldt Speeches, please contact Ms. Sting (



You can get further information from:


Anna Sting
Walter Hallstein-Institut für Europäisches Verfassungsrecht 
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin
Tel: +49 030 2093-3380
Fax: +49 030 2093-3449


Humboldt-Speeches on Europe in book form

Volume 2 " Europa-Visionen - Perspektiven auf Europa vor, während und nach der Krise"
published 2019 by Nomos-Verlag

ISBN 978-3-8487-5347-5


Volume 1 "Europa-Visionen"
published 2007 by Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag

ISBN 978-3-83051456-5

Ferner finden sie alle Reden im Volltext sowie Audio- und Videoausschnitte auf unserer Webseite im Archiv der Humboldt-Reden zu Europa.