Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - International Dispute Resolution

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Faculty of Law | International Dispute Resolution | Dr. Wolf H. von Bernuth on “Arbitration of Cross-Border M&A Disputes”

Dr. Wolf H. von Bernuth on “Arbitration of Cross-Border M&A Disputes”

On November 7, 2024, IDR LL.M. students had the privilege of attending a thoughtprovoking and engaging lecture by Dr. Wolf H. von Bernuth, a partner at Hausfeld, on
the complexities of arbitration in cross-border M&A disputes. Drawing from his extensive experience in arbitration under both ad hoc rules and institutional rules such
as DIS and ICC, as well as his role as an expert to the German Bundestag’s legal committee during the 2012 KapMuG reform.

Dr.Wolf H. von Bernuth delivered invaluable insights into the intricacies of arbitration in post-M&A conflicts.
He began his lecture by introducing IDR LL.M. students to the main issues in post-M&A disputes and explaining the reasons why parties prefer arbitration as a resolution mechanism in such cases. He discussed how posttransaction interests frequently diverge, leading to conflicts in M&A scenarios. To make the session more interactive, he presented a case study inspired by real-world events, in which a purchaser discovered after the transaction that a large portion of the acquired company’s revenue was tied to bribery, impacting its valuation. The purchaser then initiated arbitration proceedings, claiming that it had overpaid on the basis of this valuation.

The students were divided into two groups to debate procedural arguments under DIS rules, exploring issues of arbitrator impartiality and the presence of witnesses in the hearing room. Following the group presentations, Dr. von Bernuth offered constructive feedback and elaborated on the relevance of soft laws and international standards, such as the IBA guidelines on conflicts of interest. He also discussed the flexibility offered by DIS rules when procedures are undefined, allowing either the parties or the tribunal to determine the appropriate approach.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Wolf H. von Bernuth for sharing his expertise and making the session a memorable and enriching experience. The lecture equipped
students with tools to navigate arbitration in post-M&A disputes effectively.

- Qihui Cai & Zhijing Wu IDR LL.M. Candidate, Class of 2024/2025