Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - International Dispute Resolution

Humboldt Dispute Resolution Conference 2024- A Day to Remember!
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Faculty of Law | International Dispute Resolution | Humboldt Dispute Resolution Conference 2024- A Day to Remember!

Humboldt Dispute Resolution Conference 2024- A Day to Remember!

What an incredible day of lively presentations, though-provoking debuts on the conference stages, and a truly enriching exchange of ideas at the Humboldt Dispute Resolution Conference, part of the Berlin Dispute Resolution Days.

The theme, "Fast and Furious? The Ever-Evolving International Dispute Resolution Landscape", lived up to its name with a packed agenda and top-notch speakers.

To commence, Prof. Dr. Gerhard Wagner kicked us off with a stellar keynote that set the tone for the afternoon!

Next, Panel 1: From ESG disputes and commercial courts to settlements and cross-border succession, Laura Castillo Mego, Carolina Solis Villares, Kseniia Stepanova, and Falco Toet brought their expertise to the table. The moderation by Alicja Zielinska-Eisen made this panel a standout with many questions from the guests that followed!

Then, Panel 2: Arbitration in Switzerland, construction claims investor proteection, and conflicts of interst - a whirlwind of topics deftly handled by Anastasiia Dulska, Maria Luísa Negreiros, Marjorie Vieira, and Yedida Jacobs. Kudos to Jake Lowther for leading such a dynamic session!

Finally, The Insider: Closing the day with invaluable insights, Vanessa Zimmermann de Meireles, Duncan Gorst, Allison Torline, and Dr. Adilbek Tussupov shared what it means to succeed in international law. Big thanks to Beril Kaptan and Kanwar Vivswan for guiding this discussion!

A huge thank you to all the speakers, moderators, the IDR LLM Team: Filippo Furlano, Pablo Ortega Krstulovic and Naod Mekonnen, as well as the engagedaudience who made this event sucha success. The future of dispute resolution is in very capable hands!

A special thank you to the sponsors for helping to keep the event free of charge to all interested:

- Busse Disputes

- Herbert Smith Freehills

- Luther Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH

- Osborne Clarke Germany

- Queritius

It is also over and out from the HDRC Organizing Commitee: Alicja Zielinska-Eisen, Aina Hannisa, Beril Kaptan, María del Mar López-Latorre, Jake Lowther, Kanwar Vivswan, Kseniia Stepanova.

Until next year!