Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Integrative Research Institute Law & Society (LSI)

Theorizing in a Global World: Arab Perspectives II (Working Group: Dynamics of Transformation), Arab-German Young Academy

This Working Group (WG) project is intended to build on and expand the 2021 Working Group Project “Arab Approaches to Critical Transformations in Germany.” It will continue to study historical, social and political as well as ideational and academic transformations happening in contemporary Germany through the lens of Arab-German scholarly engagements as well as the interaction with Arab societies and politics. The research will continue to be based on the work of two research clusters, “Transnational Knowledge Circulation and Intellectual Currents”, and “Security and the Liberal Order”. Given the main outcome of the two project workshops last year, the three main research questions that the research clusters will engage this year are 1. In what hegemonic way is knowledge produced? 2. What forms of resistance to this already exists? 3. In what way is the research resisting or attempting to address these realities? These three core research questions synthesize the research produced last year, and pose new and distinct questions for the clusters, and propel the research on Arab approaches to critical transformations in Germany in new and innovative ways.

Academic collaborators: Prof. Dr. Anaheed Al Hardan (Howard Universit), Dr. Amro Ali (American University Cairo), Prof. Dr. Hanna Pfeifer (Universität Frankfurt/Main), Prof. Dr. Florian Zemmin (FU Berlin), Dr. Mujtaba Isani (Dezim, Berlin), Dr. Irene Weipert Fenner (HSFK, Frankfurt/Main)



Hybrid Workshop of the Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities (AGYA)

13 December 2021 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. CET

More Information here: