Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Integrative Research Institute Law & Society (LSI)

Winter School on Politics and Law

Winter School on Politics and Law

From 28 to 30 November, the Law & Society Institute, Centre Marc Bloch and the Oxford Centre for Socio Legal Studies are hosting the first Berlin Winter School on Politics & Law.

From 28 to 30 November, the Law & Society Institute, Centre Marc Bloch and the Oxford Centre for Socio Legal Studies are hosting the first Berlin Winter School on Politics & Law.

Having received more than 150 applications, 25 doctorate students from various academic disciplines were chosen to participate at the Winter School. By combining the different academic perspectives on the implicit and explicit relationship between law and politics, the Winter School aims at shedding light on respective disciplinary blind spots, or questions not posed yet, in order to foster a dialogue on different methodological and theoretical approaches of socio-legal research. By switching perspectives and leaving the comfort zone of one’s own academic subfield, participants will learn more about the interdisciplinary potential of their work within the thematic realm of law and politics and, thus, how to fill the often evoked but rarely applied concept of interdisciplinarity with content. For three days, the Winter School provides a space to discuss the participants’ projects with fellow PhD students, postdoctoral fellows and renowned scholars of socio-legal research from different academic traditions.

As part of the Winter School, Prof. Marietta Auer will hold a public keynote speech on November 29 at Law Faculty on the question “What is Legal Theory?” At the same time, this lecture will be the official kick-off of the new Integrated Research Institute Law & Society at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.