Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Prof. Dr. Matthias Ruffert

PD Dr. Enrico Peuker


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Location: Unter den Linden 11, Raum 105
Phone: +30 2093 91453



PD Dr. Enrico Peuker holds the deputy professorship for public law at the University of Rostock in the winter semester 2019/20.




Science Award 2019 of the German Foundation for Law and Informatics

PD Dr. Enrico Peuker awarded by the German Foundation for Law and Informatics for  his habilitation thesis "Verfassungswandel durch Digitalisierung. Digitale Souveränität als verfassungsrechtliches Leitbild" (Digital Sovereignty as a Constitutional Model). The award ceremony took place on November 8, 2019 during the annual conference of the German Society for Law and Informatics in Berlin.