Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - International Dispute Resolution

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Faculty of Law | International Dispute Resolution | Events | 2018/2019 academic year | IDR LL.M. Nicolaus Party hosted by WAGNER Arbitration, 6 December 2018

IDR LL.M. Nicolaus Party hosted by WAGNER Arbitration, 6 December 2018


The end of the year is fast approaching, and the calendar of the IDR LL.M. students is fully booked this December. In addition to the ongoing lecture series, we had the pleasure to attend the third annual Nicolaus Party hosted by WAGNER Arbitration’s name partner Dr. Philipp K. Wagner in the offices of this specialised boutique law firm on 6 December 2018.

Upon arrival, the IDR LL.M. students had the opportunity to engage in some networking with the lawyers of WAGNER Arbitration and other legal practitioners working in Berlin while enjoying a cup of traditional German Glühweinand a variety of biscuits. To promote the already very pleasant atmosphere at the party, Dr. Wagner shared some of his funny stories with us in his welcome address.

His address was followed by the speech of the former IDR LL.M. student Ms. Luiza Lins e Silva Dutra. After her graduation from the IDR LL.M. program, she started interning at the law firm BODENHEIMER HERZBERG. Because of her skills and hard work, she is now working as an Associate for the law firm. Luiza emphasized that in her opinion, the best thing about arbitration is the diversity it offers.

After her speech, Ms. Korinna von Trotha, who is the Head of the Berlin Office of the German Institution for Arbitration (DIS), addressed the students. The DIS is a registered association for the promotion of national and international arbitration. We were all very excited to hear that the DIS is open to applications from the IDR LL.M. students for internships.

This was followed by a very motivational speech by Dr. Alexander Steinbrecher, the Head of Group Corporate, M&A and Legal Affairs at BOMBARDIER, who gave us his insights on how to pursue a career as an arbitration lawyer.

In the end, we took a group photo together with Dr. Wagner and Ms. Alicja Zielinska-Eisen, the IDR LL.M. Program Coordinator. Everyone is smiling, and instead of “cheese”, we say “arbitration”. I am sure that all future IDR LL.M. students will enjoy the Nicolaus Party as much as we did.


Fatjona Hoti-Hajdini, IDR LL.M. Candidate